Conquer Club

Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [Blocked] KS

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Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [Blocked] KS

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:36 am

I began a three player game with these two. Both are questions marks (?), Jane_doe10 had 3 games, nickriskvg had 2. During the entire game, no matter what bonuses each of these clowns had, they continually attacked me. I knew that they either were cheating or they were absolutely clueless. When I asked them which, one of them logged off suddenly. That made me suspicious. I then went and looked at their game history. All of the games that nickriskvg has participated in, so has Jane_doe10.

For example:

Check out game 8019609. It is a two player game just between the two of them. Note the attack patterns. Jane_doe10 never makes an attempt to attack nickriskvg and basically completely surrenders. "She" only attacks him once in 5 rounds and the game is over.

Oh, and ironically enough, they are both from the Netherlands. :?



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):


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Jane_doe10, nickriskvg

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:08 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 8019717
Game 8019609
Game 8019035
Game 8019495


I began a three player game with these two. Both are questions marks (?), Jane_doe10 had completed 3 games, nickriskvg had completed 2. During the entire game, no matter what bonuses each of these clowns had, they continually attacked me. I knew that they either were cheating or they were absolutely clueless. When I asked them which, one of them logged off suddenly. That made me suspicious. I then went and looked at their game history. All of the games that nickriskvg has participated in, so has Jane_doe10.

For example:

Check out game 8019609. It is a two player game just between the two of them. Note the attack patterns. Jane_doe10 never makes an attempt to attack nickriskvg and basically completely surrenders. "She" only attacks him once in 5 rounds and the game is over.

Oh, and ironically enough, they are both from the Netherlands.
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg

Postby king sam on Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:19 am

merged both threads...

on wall post by Jane_doe10

We used the same IP, yes, we are COLLEAGES. We had to logg off due to the fact that we had to go home. We joined conquer club, because we wanted to compete to each other. But because we didn't know how this site works, we started to many games. Our foult for not reading the instructions. But hey, you know how that goes, you want to find out for yourself. Anyway, I will be playing again when I'm home, and alone, and will indeed be intending to finish the games. The game played with u was indeed a conspiracy, sorry for that. Hope to compete with u again, hope you feel the same. Regards
on Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:45 am

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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:30 am

Now Jane_doe10's actions are typical reactions to someone who has been caught red handed. Knowing full well he (or she) had been caught they "gave a little to get a lot" by admitting, yes they knew each other and ok, it was a "conspiracy" and oh, but it was innocent misunderstanding. I'm calling B.S. The facts speak for themselves.

I might also point out that after I called Jane_doe10 out, he/she then actually changed their country to the United Kingdom! :lol:
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Jane_doe10 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:46 am

Thought it would be fair to react myself.
I still stand with what I said earlier, there are 2 of us. There is in fact a finished game with just the two of us. You can think anything, but playing against yourself?.. We started off just wanting to compete with each other, and later on we tried to compete with a third person. (As can be seen in the other games that sare still yet to be played because of other players). We did indeed make a deal to wipe out person no. 3, for battling each other later on. Our time ran out, so we left the game. A bit suspicious, yes. But why would I would have reacted then if I had time. Yes we we're busted ;).
What happened with the Netherlands was chaned in UK, I don't know, but I'll change that one back, once I'm back @ home.

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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:56 am

So it magically changed itself to the United Kingdom?

And when you played each other, you didn't attack him for what reason?

None of it makes sense. Why? Because the only logical answer is that you are flat lying and digging yourself deeper into a hole.

You cheated and can't be trusted. You've already admitted that much. The rest of the information speaks for itself. The amazing part is why you feel so inferior that you would have to cheat in and online game in the first place? That in itself is very sad.
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Jane_doe10 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:12 am

I don't have a clue why it changed into UK, maybe it was because of the fact I used my android. I am not changing my country. As you can see, it has changed again; into Belgium. That is exactly where I am. Yes, I went across a border. Is that a crime in you opinion too?

The amazing part is, that you insist on jumping to conclusions. Why in the world would I try to defend myself if I felt inferior? I wouldn't have cared then, would I?

I did not attack simply because he was sitting right next to me, and we were talking over how we would first vanquish you. Then each other. Think that a conspiracy like this, won't be the first on the site, although I don't know by fact indeed.

Anyway, I think I can't defend myself against you, simply because you won't believe me any way. For now, I AM going to read the site's manual, and hopfully enjoy a lot of battles on the site. Without a conspiracy with my colleage. Ofcourse.

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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:32 am

I was referring to a two player game between the two of you. Game # 8019609. You made no attempt to win and attacked only neutral players the entire game. I'm sure you have some bogus explanation for that too? Was the because you were using your "android" too? lol

Of course you can't defend yourself, uou have no credibility!!!!!! You've shown that you are not above cheating during a game, have clearly violated CC's policies and continue to come up with weak excuses about all of the MANY other questionable circumstances.
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Jane_doe10 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:58 am

Although I highly doubt it was in any way usefull of giving you even more response (you will keep on being narrow minded),
Here I go again..

I can't play on my android, I can only post messages.
The two player game of me and nickriskvg; well we played 2 games; 1 for real (8019495). As you might be able
to see, we did play a game. The second game, wich you´re reffering to, was indeed a game wich I screwed up.
That was because at that time nickriskvg had reached his limit of 4 games, and we didn´t like the scenery of
the game. Once we found out you can´t simply quit the game, we decided that I would be executed (because that
would be the easiest).

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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:39 pm

Not narrow minded at all. Facts are facts. You're an admitted cheater. Why would you expect someone to believe outlandish stories when you've admitted that you intentionally deceived people already?
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Jane_doe10 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:51 pm

If you don't believe me, why do you believe me when I'm admitting something?
I'm stopping with posting reactions in this insane discussion, leading nowhere.

Now, I turn myselve to the mods who I ofcourse can expect to be reasonable.
I know I have no history at all, and made a bad first impression. Nevertheless, I intend
to enjoy my time here, and wish to have a chance of proving that.

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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:05 pm

You cheated. Period.
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby king sam on Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:38 pm

Take your discussion to the PM's.. This is not the place for your bickering back and forth pointing fingers. This has been reported and will be investigated, if I need more evidence from either of you then I will contact you.

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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:46 pm

No bickering here. I did what I was supposed to do and posted the information. Talking to the wrong person here bro
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby Jane_doe10 on Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:04 pm

@King Sam; I am sorry, though I felt I had to defend myself. Because I would like to stay and enjoy the site, and since it became a personal attack towards me.

Like earlier promise posts, I will no further react about the topic itself. I hope, and trust that the mods of this site will make a right decision, wich I will respect, even if not in my favor
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby basic_man2010_20 on Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:45 am

at the least secreat diplomacy haas been admitted
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby jeraado on Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:03 am

I don't understand the 'severe PM abuse' accusation. The secret diplomacy bit has obviously been proven, but since the accounts are so new then unless they are found to hold other accounts it seems like a dumb move rather than malicious. IMHO maybe a slap on the wrists and a suspended punishment may be in order, since now they will not have any excuse for not following CC rules?
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Re: Jane_doe10, nickriskvg [pending] KS

Postby king sam on Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:56 am

After letting this sit for a few days it is clear that these two are not multis, but friends that are playing the game. So they are Cleared for multis..

However the way they are playing the game by teaming up and singling out the OP's is against the rules for diplomacy and they have been found Guilty of Secret Diplomacy.
As per the guidelines they have been Blocked from playing in any future games with one another. In a case like this Oleg of Novgorod there was nothing you can do further except rate and foe them as you see fit.

Games are not given back, points are not reset. The only way you could have gotten out of that game with a victory besides winning would have been if they would have both been found Guilty of being a multiple account and punished for it while the game was active. But they are not multis, just two friends who were abusing the game by teaming up against other players in secret, and they will not be playing in games together anymore.


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