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Re: HighlanderAttack

Postby hotfire on Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:50 pm

SirSebstar wrote:Basicly your point is what again? that these three players play triples with eachother? Triples means teamwork, so unless you think they are multi's spit it out?!

hotfire wrote:why is it that 3 freemiums are always on this site and together...if u are in 4 games or less it doesnt make much sense...this game is this example but all their games could be used
show: my point

show: more of my point

very suspicious for freemuums to spend so much time on the site together for only 4 games at a time....

or quack quack
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Colonel hotfire
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Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:50 pm


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