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Secret Alliance - DubWarrior & Kartje[cleared]es

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Secret Alliance - DubWarrior & Kartje[cleared]es

Postby buddhabelly on Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:20 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):


Comments: Trying to figure out the strategy these guys have had for the last several rounds, as I have left openings for them to hit each other to get an advantage in the game. However, they have put another player and myself out (almost), with no hits on each other. Looking back through the game, there have been a few hits on each other, maybe 5% of the time they attacked. However, it was always the result of needing to get to a position for attacking someone else. They are both from the same country, and may in fact be friends, neither of which i have a problem with. My problem is that they have been in alliance, but have not stated it in game chat.
Sergeant 1st Class buddhabelly
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Re: Secret Alliance - DubWarrior & Kartje

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:04 pm

buddhabelly wrote: as I have left openings for them to hit each other to get an advantage in the game. However, they have put another player and myself out (almost), with no hits on each other.

And they didn't hit each other to give you the advantage so it must be secret diplomacy? Just because they don't do what you want them to doesn't make it secret diplomacy. Right after yellow was eliminated kartje missed a turn. You got a bonus for holding 3 continents and went on to attack orange. Orange in turn attacked you, gray took advantage and weakened you. I don't really see any secret diplomacy, this is now a three man game and gray was trying to make it a two man game. Do you blame him?

DubWarrior and kartje are CLEARED of secret diplomacy.
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