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alching and Photophil[cleared/noted]es

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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alching and Photophil[cleared/noted]es

Postby perchorin on Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:43 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis (or)
Conducting Secret Diplomacy (or)
account sitting abuse

Game number(s):

Game 6814577
Game 6813561
Game 7453099
Game 7211577
Game 7049762

Comments: I'm not sure what exactly these two are up to, but it's dodgy and I'd bet against the rules. Photophil seems to be used as a plant in the other team to miss turns or attack his teammates. Or else these guys are on the same team with Photophil used to strategically miss turns when it helps them out. I know that in and of itself isn't breaking the rules, but it is if only one person is playing the turns for both the accounts which I suspect is the case. There may indeed be two people out there for these accounts but one person is likely doing most/all of the turn playing for both of them. Which is definitely against the rules. Here are some highlights:
from Game 6814577: 2010-04-15 13:29:43 - Photophil: this acc has shit luck (I assume he means 'this account')
from Game 6813561: 2010-04-15 10:27:31 - Ladymindkey: What kind of team game is this that my own partner eliminated my troops and refuses to talk? (Photophil was her teammate, alching was on the other team)
from Game 7211577: 2010-06-28 06:08:06 - geowas: Green u killed us both (green was alching and he actually won, he killed off Photophil after they eliminates geowas together)
and my favorite, from Game 7049762:
2010-05-29 19:04:35 - alching: dammit a chef for a teammate
2010-05-29 20:26:59 - Bolbs: sorry who are you trying to kid?
2010-05-29 20:27:40 - Bolbs: u have palyed many many times together(see games 7015574 6993634 6947463)
2010-05-29 20:28:31 - Bolbs: and both were around about the same in your 1st go lol
2010-05-30 04:09:30 - alching: yea i no we are old friends but not any more
2010-05-30 04:09:38 - alching: we went to primary together
2010-05-30 18:03:37 - Bolbs: lol what a load of bs
As I said, they may be two people but they are definitely cheating and at the very least should be blocked from playing together, though I'd be shocked if one or both of them didn't have multies out there as well.
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Re: alching and Photophil

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:45 pm

alching and Photophil are CLEARED of being multis. The secret diplomacy there isn't enough proof but this report will be noted.
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