Conquer Club

multis Vahur106 marriettedejongh 30302 [Cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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multis Vahur106 marriettedejongh 30302 [Cleared]

Postby Nelson on Tue Jun 06, 2006 5:19 am

I'm in game 30302 with these 2 or is it 1?

Can you check it out, it looks really suspicious. Check out the game log and the fact MDEJ never attacks Vahur.....Ban them if they are.

2006-06-05 20:13:01 - vahur106 receives 4 armies for 12 territories
2006-06-05 20:13:10 - vahur106 deployed 4 armies on East Africa
2006-06-05 20:13:40 - vahur106 attacked Iceland from Greenland and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-05 20:14:02 - vahur106 attacked Western Europe from Great Britain and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-05 20:14:45 - vahur106 attacked Afghanistan from Ural and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-05 20:15:53 - vahur106 attacked North Africa from Southern Europe and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-05 20:16:23 - vahur106 attacked Madagascar from East Africa and conquered it from mariettedejongh
2006-06-05 20:16:58 - vahur106 attacked Egypt from East Africa and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-05 20:17:34 - vahur106 fortified Egypt with 1 armies from Southern Europe
2006-06-05 20:17:49 - vahur106 fortified East Africa with 1 armies from Iceland
2006-06-05 20:18:11 - vahur106 gets a card
2006-06-05 20:18:32 - mariettedejongh receives 4 armies for 14 territories
2006-06-05 20:18:51 - mariettedejongh deployed 1 armies on Central America
2006-06-05 20:19:46 - mariettedejongh deployed 3 armies on Kamchatka
2006-06-05 20:20:24 - mariettedejongh attacked Greenland from Northwest Territory and conquered it from vahur106
2006-06-05 20:21:54 - mariettedejongh attacked Quebec from Greenland and conquered it from vahur106
2006-06-05 20:25:07 - mariettedejongh fortified Venezuela with 2 armies from Central America
2006-06-05 20:25:31 - mariettedejongh fortified Greenland with 1 armies from Kamchatka
2006-06-05 20:25:56 - mariettedejongh fortified Venezuela with 1 armies from Kamchatka
2006-06-05 20:26:30 - mariettedejongh fortified Venezuela with 1 armies from Kamchatka
2006-06-05 20:27:15 - mariettedejongh fortified Venezuela with 1 armies from Japan
2006-06-05 20:28:03 - mariettedejongh fortified Greenland with 1 armies from Venezuela
2006-06-05 20:28:08 - mariettedejongh gets a card
2006-06-05 20:28:08 - Incrementing game to round 3
2006-06-05 20:28:44 - Nelson receives 3 armies for 10 territories
2006-06-05 20:28:49 - Nelson deployed 3 armies on Brazil
2006-06-05 20:29:01 - Nelson attacked Venezuela from Brazil and conquered it from mariettedejongh
2006-06-05 20:29:10 - Nelson attacked Central America from Venezuela and conquered it from mariettedejongh
2006-06-05 20:29:31 - Nelson attacked Eastern United States from Central America and conquered it from mariettedejongh
2006-06-05 20:29:43 - Nelson attacked Western United States from Central America and conquered it from mariettedejongh
2006-06-05 20:30:54 - Nelson fortified Brazil with 2 armies from Central America
2006-06-05 20:31:05 - Nelson fortified Venezuela with 1 armies from Peru
2006-06-05 20:31:44 - Nelson fortified Brazil with 1 armies from Central America
2006-06-05 20:31:54 - Nelson gets a card
2006-06-05 20:33:14 - vahur106 receives 3 armies for holding Africa
2006-06-05 20:33:14 - vahur106 receives 5 armies for 16 territories
2006-06-05 20:33:31 - vahur106 deployed 5 armies on North Africa
2006-06-05 20:34:45 - vahur106 deployed 3 armies on Northern Europe
2006-06-05 20:36:46 - vahur106 attacked Scandinavia from Northern Europe and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-05 20:37:18 - vahur106 attacked Ukraine from Northern Europe and conquered it from mariettedejongh
2006-06-05 20:37:49 - vahur106 attacked Middle East from Ukraine and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-05 20:38:30 - vahur106 fortified Middle East with 1 armies from Egypt
2006-06-05 20:38:39 - vahur106 fortified Middle East with 1 armies from East Africa
2006-06-05 20:39:53 - vahur106 fortified Scandinavia with 1 armies from Western Europe
2006-06-05 20:40:29 - vahur106 fortified Southern Europe with 1 armies from Scandinavia
2006-06-05 20:41:46 - vahur106 gets a card
2006-06-06 08:55:17 - mariettedejongh receives 3 armies for 11 territories
2006-06-06 08:55:32 - mariettedejongh deployed 3 armies on Kamchatka
2006-06-06 08:55:47 - mariettedejongh attacked Yakutsk from Kamchatka and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-06 08:56:20 - mariettedejongh attacked Irkutsk from Yakutsk and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-06 08:57:24 - mariettedejongh fortified Alaska with 1 armies from Greenland
2006-06-06 08:57:41 - mariettedejongh fortified Ontario with 1 armies from Greenland
2006-06-06 08:57:59 - mariettedejongh fortified Alberta with 1 armies from Alaska
2006-06-06 08:58:17 - mariettedejongh gets a card
2006-06-06 08:58:17 - Incrementing game to round 4
2006-06-06 09:04:10 - Nelson receives 2 armies for holding South America
2006-06-06 09:04:10 - Nelson receives 3 armies for 10 territories
2006-06-06 09:04:15 - Nelson deployed 5 armies on China
2006-06-06 09:04:20 - Nelson attacked Afghanistan from China and conquered it from vahur106
2006-06-06 09:05:20 - Nelson fortified Venezuela with 3 armies from Brazil
2006-06-06 09:05:25 - Nelson gets a card
2006-06-06 10:18:48 - vahur106 receives 5 armies for holding Europe
2006-06-06 10:18:48 - vahur106 receives 3 armies for holding Africa
2006-06-06 10:18:48 - vahur106 receives 6 armies for 18 territories
2006-06-06 10:19:22 - vahur106 cashed in a set of Central America, Mongolia, and Indonesia worth 4 armies
2006-06-06 10:21:03 - vahur106 deployed 2 armies on Scandinavia
2006-06-06 10:21:23 - vahur106 deployed 2 armies on Ural
2006-06-06 10:23:15 - vahur106 deployed 5 armies on North Africa
2006-06-06 10:23:30 - vahur106 deployed 3 armies on Iceland
2006-06-06 10:24:01 - vahur106 deployed 3 armies on Eastern Australia
2006-06-06 10:24:10 - vahur106 deployed 3 armies on Western Australia
2006-06-06 10:25:03 - vahur106 attacked New Guinea from Eastern Australia and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-06 10:25:30 - vahur106 attacked Indonesia from Western Australia and conquered it from mariettedejongh
2006-06-06 10:28:23 - vahur106 fortified Ukraine with 2 armies from Scandinavia
2006-06-06 10:29:16 - vahur106 fortified Middle East with 1 armies from Southern Europe
2006-06-06 10:29:27 - vahur106 fortified Ukraine with 1 armies from Ural
2006-06-06 10:29:41 - vahur106 fortified Siam with 3 armies from Indonesia
2006-06-06 10:30:00 - vahur106 fortified Siam with 4 armies from New Guinea
2006-06-06 10:30:30 - vahur106 fortified Southern Europe with 1 armies from North Africa
2006-06-06 10:30:40 - vahur106 fortified Western Europe with 1 armies from North Africa
2006-06-06 10:31:31 - vahur106 gets a card
2006-06-06 10:33:26 - mariettedejongh receives 4 armies for 12 territories
2006-06-06 10:33:52 - mariettedejongh deployed 4 armies on Alberta
2006-06-06 10:34:18 - mariettedejongh attacked Western United States from Alberta and conquered it from Nelson
2006-06-06 10:35:18 - mariettedejongh gets a card
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Corporal Nelson
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Postby Nelson on Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:57 am

anyone think I'm right on this one?
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Postby Twill on Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:03 am

I dont think you are right ;)

They are clean, oh , and please do not double post, we do get to these as fast as we can...really, we do :)

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Corporal 1st Class Twill
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Postby Nelson on Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:24 am

Thanks Twill. still have my suspicions.
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Postby VanCleef on Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:02 pm

I saw this post after it was cleared but cant stop myself from commenting since its 'cleared' from being a multi but, sticks as badmouthing 2 innocent players.
There was nothing in the moves pointing into a secret alliance either. So again...

People should have a checklist about thing to watch out for before posting accusations. Most mix up 1 player having 2 accounts/players in games = multi. And 2 separate players/ 2 accounts making a secret allaince.
The multis Lack and Twill can find but it takes alot to prove a secret alliance.
I will put some suggestions about this in right forum. Back to Nelson... since nothing in game implied rules were broken, you just couldnt take a loss. And abusing the options in forum to hang out the winners should be penelized.
The penalty should be double since all in that game teamed up including you.

Apologize to the innocent players you harrased and think next time. Hopefully i will never play in same game as you.
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Postby Shaman on Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:06 pm

Did you read your own game log? What you posted in this thread shows that they were attacking eachother. You claim that green never attacked red, but on Green's first turn she attacked red, and that wasn't the only time.
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Corporal 1st Class Shaman
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