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nionio & papamooshki [busted]

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nionio & papamooshki [busted]

Postby Hutch24 on Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:13 pm


The accused are suspected of:

(Being Multis?) - don't think so
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 6565154

Comments: I saw that these two had played with each other before, so I immediately was a bit concerned, but I waited to see how it would play out. Much to my dismay, it ended up being what I feared. It almost looks like a trap the way they set up the game. Anyhow, onto the gameplay. So far over the first 4 rounds, nionio has attacked me a total of 7 times and papamooshki once, only to attain a bonus. Papamooshki has attacked me 7 times and nionio twice, only to reach me..and most recently had 7 troops within on cyprus with only one of my men on Mediterranean sea and then nionio's bonus on Ptolemy which was only protected by ones, but instead assaulted my 3 on syria and another one of my troops. Now I'm sort of at a loss of what to do here, because they admitted in game chat and said they would stop, now of course I know you can't like stop this game mid game unless you were to suspend them or something which I think would be fair considering they admitted their offense in the game chat. Sadly, I take this game very seriously..more seriously than my school work often, which is a problem and a little pathetic, but those points are damned hard earned points and I am a paying customer, so it would be a shame if I lost a lot of points because of cheaters. Although they were apologetic which I can appreciate, so I'm not asking that they be kicked off the site or anything like that, just would appreciate it if this game was like not counted somehow and maybe keep an eye on them in the future, because they've played before. Thanks, Hutch24
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Re: nionio & papamooshki

Postby Hutch24 on Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:30 pm

Also, I'm kind of trying to hold out on taking my turn until this is looked into, but I guess no one will get around to this for a while..because I only have 8 hours left in my turn..and it's kind of awkward now
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Re: nionio & papamooshki

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:19 pm

nionio and papamooshki have been busted.
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Re: nionio & papamooshki [busted]

Postby Hutch24 on Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:08 pm

wow, great, thanks Evil Semp
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