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317567tb & tbosman (game 6361162)[busted]ES

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317567tb & tbosman (game 6361162)[busted]ES

Postby Caenwyr on Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:10 am


The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number:
Game 6361162

They both are new players, so we shouldn't be too hard on them. I tried asking them in plain Dutch (they are two (or one?) Dutchman and I am a Flemming, so we share our mother tongue) about their motivation, but they didn't answer. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think it more likely they don't really know it's forbidden yet.

This is how it goes. They never attack each other, not even to take away the other one's bonus. The only times they do is to take another continent for themselves. Even though they have e.g. 20 armies right next to a bordering continent entirely owned by the other player, they will never attack. Me, on the other hand, they seem to be attacking gladly. Easy to see I won't hold out long this way.

Is there anyway to be sure they are teaming? Or is this just (a rather odd) coincidence?
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Re: 317567tb & tbosman (game 6361162)[busted]

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:17 pm

317567tb and tbosman have been BUSTED.
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