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Please Evaluate Collusion here [Cleared]

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Please Evaluate Collusion here [Cleared]

Postby Pokerastin8r on Sat Oct 31, 2009 2:01 am

Sorry for players in the game, I dont want to sound like such a dck but it felt unfair .

Accused: See chat below, seems multiple people were under the idea.

Game number(s):

Game 5845932

During this game SEVERAL players commented that they wanted to make sure I lost...they were indirectly allied to prevent me from winning. since i have the lowest rank. Read the chat. Then towards the end of the game grey decided to give up so that red would win and he'd lose points. During the game 3 or 4 people were playing the game and once out of the game they tried to get demonfork to win so they'd lose less points!!! Since I'm lowest rank they 'indirectly' were going to do what they could to stop me from winning, as clear in the chat!

Does this happen often? I mean, why manipulate the game so the highest rank wins??? That ruins it for everyone else with a chance. I'm not saying demonfork cheated but towards the end grey threw game to red so he'd lose less points even when the game was salvagable. Please explain. Games should be played for fun. Not for 'best value' of pts.

2009-10-31 01:14:40 - demonfork: there is no way the 2 higher ranks are gonna let you win this
2009-10-31 01:17:02 - demonfork: told u
2009-10-31 01:17:41 - Pokerastin8r: dont team on me just cause im the worst
2009-10-31 01:18:31 - demonfork: thats what happens

2009-10-31 01:22:39 - Godsav1: wow
2009-10-31 01:22:44 - Godsav1: u guys are letting green win?
2009-10-31 01:31:31 - karelpietertje: you were literally at 1 army
2009-10-31 01:31:47 - demonfork: lol
2009-10-31 01:32:00 - karelpietertje: I figured I'd keep you alive as leverage for grey ^^
2009-10-31 01:32:19 - karelpietertje: and pointwise, I might now be rewarded XD2009-10-31 01:33:34 - Pokerastin8r: grey take the purple bonus i wont stop you
2009-10-31 01:40:58 - rayofsun: this is gettin pittifull..haha i give up lol
2009-10-31 01:43:18 - rayofsun: guess i want demon to win..ill lose less points 2009-10-31 01:44:28 - Pokerastin8r: play it right its not over unless teal attacks you
2009-10-31 01:46:03 - Pokerastin8r: k so i guess the key is to get a high rank so others throw games to you, i
2009-10-31 01:46:23 - Pokerastin8r: i'll have to get on that
2009-10-31 01:46:34 - karelpietertje: nice job
2009-10-31 01:48:31 - demonfork: ty
2009-10-31 01:48:40 - demonfork: greatest comeback of all time
2009-10-31 01:48:45 - demonfork: down to 1 army
Private 1st Class Pokerastin8r
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Re: Please Evaluate Collusion here

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sat Oct 31, 2009 3:11 am

Pokerastin8r wrote:Accused:

Game number(s):

Game 5845932

During this game SEVERAL players commented that they wanted to make sure I lost...they were indirectly allied to prevent me from winning. since i have the lowest rank. Read the chat. Then towards the end of the game grey decided to give up so that red would win and he'd lose points. During the game 3 or 4 people were playing the game and once out of the game they tried to get demonfork to win so they'd lose less points!!! Since I'm lowest rank they 'indirectly' were going to do what they could to stop me from winning, as clear in the chat!

Does this happen often? I mean, why manipulate the game so the highest rank wins??? That ruins it for everyone else with a chance. I'm not saying demonfork cheated but towards the end grey threw game to red so he'd lose less points even when the game was salvagable. Please explain. Games should be played for fun. Not for 'best value' of pts.

2009-10-31 01:14:40 - demonfork: there is no way the 2 higher ranks are gonna let you win this
2009-10-31 01:17:02 - demonfork: told u
2009-10-31 01:17:41 - Pokerastin8r: dont team on me just cause im the worst
2009-10-31 01:18:31 - demonfork: thats what happens

2009-10-31 01:22:39 - Godsav1: wow
2009-10-31 01:22:44 - Godsav1: u guys are letting green win?
2009-10-31 01:31:31 - karelpietertje: you were literally at 1 army
2009-10-31 01:31:47 - demonfork: lol
2009-10-31 01:32:00 - karelpietertje: I figured I'd keep you alive as leverage for grey ^^
2009-10-31 01:32:19 - karelpietertje: and pointwise, I might now be rewarded XD2009-10-31 01:33:34 - Pokerastin8r: grey take the purple bonus i wont stop you
2009-10-31 01:40:58 - rayofsun: this is gettin pittifull..haha i give up lol
2009-10-31 01:43:18 - rayofsun: guess i want demon to win..ill lose less points 2009-10-31 01:44:28 - Pokerastin8r: play it right its not over unless teal attacks you
2009-10-31 01:46:03 - Pokerastin8r: k so i guess the key is to get a high rank so others throw games to you, i
2009-10-31 01:46:23 - Pokerastin8r: i'll have to get on that
2009-10-31 01:46:34 - karelpietertje: nice job
2009-10-31 01:48:31 - demonfork: ty
2009-10-31 01:48:40 - demonfork: greatest comeback of all time
2009-10-31 01:48:45 - demonfork: down to 1 army

God, i really have no life , but anyways, Fixed this report right up for you :mrgreen:
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Re: Please Evaluate Collusion here

Postby prismsaber on Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:27 am

Happens all the time, same as how the low rankers often target the highest ranked just because they're high ranked. You can't prove any collusion here though, a few odd comments doesn't mean anything. The most you could do is show how ray purposely threw the game, and even if it was proven he'd get a warning at best.
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Re: Please Evaluate Collusion here

Postby darkangelsguy205 on Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:38 am

that is go-ing to hapen sometimes
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Re: Please Evaluate Collusion here

Postby Aalmeida17 on Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:40 pm

prismsaber was right append all time cuz big rank dont wanna miss to cooks ,cuz they miss very poist and if they miss to a big rank 2 , they miss less points , so that was normal in CC
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Re: Please Evaluate Collusion here

Postby demonfork on Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:14 am

Pokerastin8r wrote:Sorry for players in the game, I dont want to sound like such a dck but it felt unfair .

Accused: See chat below, seems multiple people were under the idea.

Game number(s):

Game 5845932

During this game SEVERAL players commented that they wanted to make sure I lost...they were indirectly allied to prevent me from winning. since i have the lowest rank. Read the chat. Then towards the end of the game grey decided to give up so that red would win and he'd lose points. During the game 3 or 4 people were playing the game and once out of the game they tried to get demonfork to win so they'd lose less points!!! Since I'm lowest rank they 'indirectly' were going to do what they could to stop me from winning, as clear in the chat!

Does this happen often? I mean, why manipulate the game so the highest rank wins??? That ruins it for everyone else with a chance. I'm not saying demonfork cheated but towards the end grey threw game to red so he'd lose less points even when the game was salvagable. Please explain. Games should be played for fun. Not for 'best value' of pts.

2009-10-31 01:14:40 - demonfork: there is no way the 2 higher ranks are gonna let you win this
2009-10-31 01:17:02 - demonfork: told u
2009-10-31 01:17:41 - Pokerastin8r: dont team on me just cause im the worst
2009-10-31 01:18:31 - demonfork: thats what happens

2009-10-31 01:22:39 - Godsav1: wow
2009-10-31 01:22:44 - Godsav1: u guys are letting green win?
2009-10-31 01:31:31 - karelpietertje: you were literally at 1 army
2009-10-31 01:31:47 - demonfork: lol
2009-10-31 01:32:00 - karelpietertje: I figured I'd keep you alive as leverage for grey ^^
2009-10-31 01:32:19 - karelpietertje: and pointwise, I might now be rewarded XD2009-10-31 01:33:34 - Pokerastin8r: grey take the purple bonus i wont stop you
2009-10-31 01:40:58 - rayofsun: this is gettin pittifull..haha i give up lol
2009-10-31 01:43:18 - rayofsun: guess i want demon to win..ill lose less points 2009-10-31 01:44:28 - Pokerastin8r: play it right its not over unless teal attacks you
2009-10-31 01:46:03 - Pokerastin8r: k so i guess the key is to get a high rank so others throw games to you, i
2009-10-31 01:46:23 - Pokerastin8r: i'll have to get on that
2009-10-31 01:46:34 - karelpietertje: nice job
2009-10-31 01:48:31 - demonfork: ty
2009-10-31 01:48:40 - demonfork: greatest comeback of all time
2009-10-31 01:48:45 - demonfork: down to 1 army

This is such a bs accusation. I was down to 1 territory and 1 army!!!! And you think that somehow the game was thrown to me? This was one of the greatest comeback victories in the history of comeback victories and it was done through my own superior skill.

1st off every comment that you have highlighted is completely out of context...

You highlighted the following comment...

2009-10-30 23:14:40 - demonfork: there is no way the 2 higher ranks are gonna let you win this

but failed to show it in it's entire context.

2009-10-30 23:13:25 - Pokerastin8r: it progressed the game yellow i know it dick move, sorry
2009-10-30 23:14:18 - Pokerastin8r: teal we have basically a 3 player game dont tip it to grey
2009-10-30 23:14:28 - demonfork: it was a dumb move green
2009-10-30 23:14:40 - demonfork: there is no way the 2 higher ranks are gonna let you win this

I made the comment AFTER you suicided into yellow, taking him out, and weakening yourself in the process and completely screwing yourself out of your once commanding lead. At that point there was no way that the other 2 players were gonna let you back into the game and re-establish your position, thus my comment "It was a dumb move green".

You also stated in the above quote that "we basically have a 3 player game" because at that point I was pretty much out of the game.

Next quote that you highlighted...

2009-10-31 01:32:19 - karelpietertje: and pointwise, I might now be rewarded XD

here in its entire context...
2009-10-31 01:31:31 - karelpietertje: you were literally at 1 army
2009-10-31 01:31:47 - demonfork: lol
2009-10-31 01:32:00 - karelpietertje: I figured I'd keep you alive as leverage for grey ^^
2009-10-31 01:32:19 - karelpietertje: and pointwise, I might now be rewarded XD

karl had been eliminated by you earlier and came back to check on the game and noticed that I had secured a bonus in the last 5 seconds of the clock, a bonus that ultimately was the reason why I won the game (a bonus that I was able to secure through the complete stupidity of you I might add).

In context Karel was saying that the only reason why he did not eliminate me earlier when I was weak was because keeping me around provided him with a small buffer between him and slate....

2009-10-31 01:32:00 - karelpietertje: I figured I'd keep you alive as leverage for grey

Because it was clear that I was now back in the game he made the next comment...

2009-10-31 01:32:19 - karelpietertje: and pointwise, I might now be rewarded XD[/img]

meaning that his earlier decision to keep me alive will now benefit him point wise because it was clear that I was now in a great position to comeback and win the game.

next highlighted comment...

10-31 01:43:18 - rayofsun: guess i want demon to win..ill lose less points

in its entirety...

2009-10-30 23:40:58 - rayofsun: this is gettin pittifull..haha i give up lol
2009-10-30 23:43:18 - rayofsun: guess i want demon to win..ill lose less points

At the point that these comments were made I had already secured the victory and there was nothing that anyone could do to stop me. Thus the "this is getting pitifull(sic)...I give up" comment.

No one threw the game to me, I came back to win through my own skill and through the complete stupidity and lack of experience of the other remaining players in the game (mainly yourself).

You lost the game the moment you decided to suicide into yellow, you have no one to blame but yourself.
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Re: Please Evaluate Collusion here

Postby Symphony#9 on Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:32 am

he just took ur accusations and shoved em in a bag took a dump in it lit it on fire and threw it out the window! game, set, math point , victory = THE DEMONATOR
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Re: Please Evaluate Collusion here

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:54 pm

No collusion here. Yellows comments were made after he was out of the game. Gray gave up and stated it in game chat. You gave up the next round after gray. The talk in the game chat is just that, I don't see any follow up when it came to attacks. CLEARED
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