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kraphtone- extreme noob farming [warned]

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Re: kraphtone- extreme noob farming [warned]

Postby AAFitz on Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:28 am

KraphtOne wrote:because i started looking it up after i was accused...

you just won't stop picking a fight will ya :0)

No fight at all man. As I said, nearly everybody's farmed...I have myself. You were just breaking the rules. I told you repeatedly not to take it so personally. You just had to stop farming on feudal. I honestly cant believe you even fought it to be honest. And now you wont even have to worry about it, assuming the block the new recruits. Again, you should be you get your favorite map, and can play it as much as you want, and wont even have to deal with all those new recruits ruining the good game for you. I imagine youll set up twice as many of them now.

Hell, I got accused of 14 games out of 280 of being an illegal farmer. I certainly didnt take it personally. :D

In any case, these cases are about improving CC and the integrity of the scoring system as much as anything else. Sure, youre on the front line, but all you really had to do was read the rule and equate it to what you were doing, even if you didn't know about it before.

Since you were accused, you deserved to have your questions answered. You just didnt like the answers I gave.
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Re: kraphtone- extreme noob farming [warned]

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:33 am

This thread has served its purpose. If you wish to continue the arguments of farming and what not there is a thread in gd about it ;)
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