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ATLBravosFan & allstarplayer090 [cleared]

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ATLBravosFan & allstarplayer090 [cleared]

Postby 72o on Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:51 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 5455416
Game 5448606
Game 5439181
Game 5392242
Game 5455395

They are both premium, which does make this seem unlikely, but a lot of other items seem fishy to me. If they are not the same person, they are friends who are playing together. That may not be against the rules, but they are apparently using this to their advantage in singles games.

They are both from Thailand, joined 3 days apart, both have baseball related names, and allstarplayer090 was a premium question mark until the speed game I just played with them completed. Not that that is against the rules, but I don't think I've ever seen someone buy premium without being familiar enough with the site to complete 5 games before.

Their last logins (from their profile) all during the speed game would change every round, but always a minute apart from each other or the same time. Maybe this is because of the auto-refresh of a speed game, but it seemed strange to me.

ATLBravosFan has joined a total of 21 games, allstarplayer090 has joined a total of 13 games, 5 of which have each other in them. Terminator, Standard, Doubles, Triples, all game types are being played by these two together. The freestyle triples game they are in with Caos against lanyards and his crew, they try to appear to take turns at the same time by starting turns, then the other one starts, then one does something, then the other, but never at the same time, and always a little time (30 seconds) in between.

During our game, at one point allstarplayer090 (who was blue) said in the game chat, "Nah man, you and red went back and forth and let me and blue build up". I believe he meant to type this from green's login. When I called him on it with "72o: oh wait i finally get it; i missed your mis-step there blue; you typed under the wrong multi when you said "let me and blue build up"", green responded with a "you are quite clever...".

Before I was eliminated, I was holed up in Madagascar where only green could have seen me (it's a 4 player fog 2.1 game), but blue came straight over there to eliminate me, only taking one of green's territories where he absolutely had to. As soon as he got my cards and cashed, he didn't attack green (who is the strongest player by far, doubling their combined drop each turn), he attacked red and broke his bonuses. 3 of green's 42 attacks were against blue. 7 of blue's 42 attacks were against green. Red pointed out that it seemed fishy, and said it was worth posting, so here it is.

Before the spam starts in this thread, I don't really care that I lost the game, and if they're cleared, I won't be disappointed, but a lot of telltale signs that something is going on. I don't want others to be railroaded like me and another player just were.
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Re: ATLBravosFan & allstarplayer090

Postby ATLBravosfan on Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:37 pm

obviously sarcasm is lost on you with my reply of "you are quite clever." If you think we are the same person or that we are cheaters, you should see the ip addresses we have had. At one point, one of us was in America while the other was in Thailand... pretty hard to be using two computers on opposite sides of the earth before.
And god forbid that someone enjoys playing risk or this site enough to want to join and play more games. Have you ever played in four sequential games at the same time when you are not premium? It sucks having to wait days to play games, especially when you start off crappy and you gottta ride those games out. Now with premium I can be in more than four games.
Just face it man, you were even accusing the red guy of being in on it with us at first. You were taking the "they all ganged up on poor little me because they are meanies" approach. Very classy and mature. If you look at the game, you can clearly see I was always going for Oceania. Blue was always going for Europe. Red was always going for Latin America. Yellow, you wasted all your dudes in multiple rounds fighting red in South America and when you proposed a truce he took all the rest of your territory there. That's right around the time you began accusing everyone of cheating, finally settling on myself and my friend, just because we are both in Thailand. If red had been in Thailand, I'm sure he would have been tagged as being a cheater as well...
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Re: ATLBravosFan & allstarplayer090

Postby jefjef on Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:53 pm

2009-08-19 11:52:15 - allstarplayer090: Nah man, you and red went back and forth and let me and blue build up................................................................ Yep pretty suspicious. And one of em signed in at 1:49pm & the other at 1:50. Running in tandem.
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Re: ATLBravosFan & allstarplayer090

Postby 72o on Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:00 pm

I'll leave it up to the multi-hunters to check the IPs and report their findings.

How do you know that one of you was in the US while the other was in Thailand? Are you in fact friends? If so, that will certainly help your defense of not being a multi. It may suggest secret diplomacy, but that will be hard to prove since you just started playing singles games with each other. You'll likely just get a [noted] and this thread will then be thrown on the scrap heap.

I certainly don't take issue with you wanting to play more games or enjoy all this site has to offer. On the contrary, I encourage it. I just want to make sure everyone has a level playing field.

As far as the play in that particular game, I can't say that I wasn't frustrated with being crippled early in the game by all of you while I was clearly the weakest player. However, that doesn't change any of my post above.
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Re: ATLBravosFan & allstarplayer090

Postby king achilles on Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:58 am

They are cleared of being multis with one another. So far, they have played 3 team games together and this is their 1st non team game. We would need more than one game of strong evidence with malicious plays involving the same players to warrant a disciplinary action. So far, this is cleared. If you feel they had a secret diplomacy in your game, feel free to leave the appropriate ratings for these players.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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