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aglenist [cleared] and Malicemaker [noted], game 5196415

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aglenist [cleared] and Malicemaker [noted], game 5196415

Postby The Cheat on Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:27 pm


The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 5196415

Comments: When it was clear that I was well on my way to winning this doubles match, aglenist commented: green - our last chance is to team up. There was no reply from Malicemaker, although what followed was certain coordination of my demise. I'm not sure if they sent private messages to this effect, but it seems likely since their separate attacks were rather executed too brilliantly to have not been coordinated. What is certain, from aglenist's comments, is that they did conduct a secret truce, revealed by him in chat after he had taken certain control of the game.

I don't know what sort of punishment is usually involved in these matters, and I don't usually send minor offenses of secret collaboration to the attention of the CC Gods ... but it sort of grinds my gears when I had the game in hand, the collaboration is obvious and secretive, and then when the cheif collaborator has the game in hand, their "strategy" is boasted in the chat ... so if I could somehow have the victory and the points that I believe are duly mine, that'd be appreciated.

Please let me know the outcome of this. Thank you for your time.
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Re: aglenist and Malicemaker, game 5196415

Postby fookeh on Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:22 pm

You were the biggest target. You had the most territories and were getting the most troops, it only makes sense that your opponents would try to take you down.

Even after the first post from aglenist about teaming up, malicemaker hardly touches you for the first 3 rounds (takes a total of 11 territories from you). Pink kept nailing you, but that was obviously their plan.

No secret diplomacy here (in my opinion). It's like that in any game, get to big to quick, your opponents will take you down. It only makes sense. Right?
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Re: aglenist and Malicemaker, game 5196415

Postby king achilles on Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:40 pm

Reading the game chat now, it appears Malicemaker and aglenist did had an agreement but one of them didn't replied in the game chat to confirm it. aglenist, for his part, followed the rule. However, green did not. For this, Green (Malicemaker) has been reminded to use the game chat regarding any diplomatic discussion between players in line with the secret diplomacy rule. This is noted.
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