The accused are suspected of:
Other: Conduct unbecoming of an officer. I am getting tired of being swore at by deadbeaters. Maybe that is not a rule, but calling me a "bitch" while mid-game should be a rule violation.
Game number(s):
Game 5340160
As I stated above, he deadbeats, then gets all cocky and starts calling me names. I mean where is the line drawn. I understand cussing, I cuss too, but I don't call people names using swear words. This is after a game forum, not a bar. I mean if this was a gambling site, or if it meant more to me monetarily maybe I might get more irate and swear at people more, but it is after all a game. I am putting this player on my foes list, but that doesn't change the fact he has to resort to petty verbal assaults mid-game.
Round 10 at 13:27 game time on 07-29-09 in the chat log...Review it if you want to acknowledge this blatant disregard for another player's time to have fun and not be bombarded with verbal assaults.