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Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...[closed

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Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...[closed

Postby kennys777 on Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:34 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Conduct unbecoming of an officer. I am getting tired of being swore at by deadbeaters. Maybe that is not a rule, but calling me a "bitch" while mid-game should be a rule violation.

Game number(s):

Game 5340160

As I stated above, he deadbeats, then gets all cocky and starts calling me names. I mean where is the line drawn. I understand cussing, I cuss too, but I don't call people names using swear words. This is after a game forum, not a bar. I mean if this was a gambling site, or if it meant more to me monetarily maybe I might get more irate and swear at people more, but it is after all a game. I am putting this player on my foes list, but that doesn't change the fact he has to resort to petty verbal assaults mid-game.

Round 10 at 13:27 game time on 07-29-09 in the chat log...Review it if you want to acknowledge this blatant disregard for another player's time to have fun and not be bombarded with verbal assaults.
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby colton24 on Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:41 pm

i dont see what you are reportinh im for mayb e a flame but like i said in the chat calling you a bitch isnt a flame
Highest Rank: Lieutenant | Highest Score: 1641
Mr. Squirrel wrote:
pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby Kotaro on Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:17 pm

A - There is a community guideline against trolling other peoples game chats. If you're not in the game, you should leave very few comments in them.

B - Foe, rate him appropriately, and move on. Calling you a bitch isn't against the rules.
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TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby colton24 on Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:21 pm

the A part looks like it is directed at me
Highest Rank: Lieutenant | Highest Score: 1641
Mr. Squirrel wrote:
pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby colton24 on Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:23 pm

trolling im not i starting talking to the guy from germany and well yeah we just struck up a conversation and kotaro stop accusing people of trolling im not trying to cause chaos i was just talking to pink
Highest Rank: Lieutenant | Highest Score: 1641
Mr. Squirrel wrote:
pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby Kotaro on Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:35 pm

Chats of Games you are not in

* It is typically advised to not post in the chats of games you are not playing. If you do wish to post in another player's game, please keep your comments limited to a Good Luck comment or a quick question. Spamming or trolling other player's games is not allowed.

If you want to chat with people, take it to PM's. If you're not in the game, you're trolling.
Lakad Matataaag!
Normalin, normalin.


TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby colton24 on Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:45 pm

no trolling is trying to cause choas and i wasn't
Highest Rank: Lieutenant | Highest Score: 1641
Mr. Squirrel wrote:
pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby jefjef on Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:04 pm

A: Frivolous complaint. Suck it up bitch & move on. B: Colton. You did troll in that game chat & should stay out of it. You playing CC cop?
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby colton24 on Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:06 pm

yep on the CC FBI in fact :mrgreen: coming for you right now............oops i said too much
Highest Rank: Lieutenant | Highest Score: 1641
Mr. Squirrel wrote:
pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby oVo on Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:03 pm

2009-07-29 13:15:13 - kennys777: I love it when people kill themselves
2009-07-29 13:19:45 - kennys777: So blue makes his move on me
2009-07-29 13:19:51 - kennys777: typically deadbeater move
2009-07-29 13:22:00 - Slayer4: ha your an idiot
2009-07-29 13:22:55 - kennys777: okay
2009-07-29 13:23:03 - kennys777: say that again in 3 rounds when you are decimated by red
2009-07-29 13:23:07 - kennys777: I am not going back in
2009-07-29 13:23:14 - kennys777: I am going let you be his beat down doll
2009-07-29 13:23:24 - kennys777: and you are deadbeater, so that goes on your record too
2009-07-29 13:23:31 - kennys777: All in all, it was good day for you I guess
2009-07-29 13:24:31 - Slayer4: i guess you forgot the early stage of the game when i attached red and you attacked me instead, but think whatever you want
2009-07-29 13:24:57 - kennys777: you deadbeated
2009-07-29 13:25:02 - kennys777: That is unexcusable
2009-07-29 13:25:05 - kennys777: And then you hit me
2009-07-29 13:25:08 - kennys777: after you deadbeated
2009-07-29 13:25:12 - kennys777: And then you hit red
2009-07-29 13:25:16 - kennys777: so get it straight
2009-07-29 13:25:23 - GROND 2cd.: I think joy could do something too
2009-07-29 13:25:28 - Slayer4: did i really
2009-07-29 13:25:42 - Slayer4: i am sorry i attached one of your regions
2009-07-29 13:25:45 - Slayer4: u bitch
2009-07-29 13:26:39 - kennys777: hey man, guess what?
2009-07-29 13:26:44 - kennys777: you are being reported and foed
2009-07-29 13:27:39 - Slayer4: sure
2009-07-29 13:27:41 - Slayer4: go ahead
2009-07-29 13:27:51 - Slayer4: go call your mommy

Slayer4 won the game and gained 95 points
kennys777 lost 19 points

This is a frivolous and unfounded complaint kennys, since Slayer did not deadbeat and won
and you were whiny and bitchy for most of this game.
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Re: Slayer4: Why is it when a conversation goes south...

Postby king achilles on Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:15 am

You are correct in placing him in your foes list. If you find yourself in a game with someone who offends you, simply add the member in question to your foes list and his/her comments will disappear. To put someone in your foes list, simply click on the member's username to get into his profile, then click on Add Foe. You can even place a note when you add someone in your foes list to remind you why you placed that person in that particular list.
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