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clapper011 [eTicket]

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clapper011 [eTicket]

Postby captain.crazy on Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:17 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Moderator Authority Abuse

Game number(s):


I received a forum ban for flaming. I can't seem to understand how telling someone to f*ck off or suggesting that the pictures that they usually post are shitty can be considered flaming.

these are the "offending" posts:

(after pimpdave's post where clapper mod edit it)

where the edit was for the word "shitty"

(after DM's post where clapper mod edit it)
where the edit was for the words "now f*ck off"

the first term, while an explicative, cannot be considered flaming, because I was simply describing the pictures that pimpdave usually posts... even while I was complementing him for actually making a thoughtful post. I had not seen that from him before.

The second term, telling someone to "f*ck off" also cannot be concidered flaming... as it is a suggestion/figure of speach, for telling someone to get lost.

Is it the policy of this site that swear words are not allowed? If so, that should be made clear. Also, there is clearly a "bad word filter" that is in place that can take care of that,

I would like to have clapper011's descision reviewed, and if my claims are found to be valid, I would ask that my 72 hour ban be purged from my record. I truly believe that this was a mistake on the part of clapper011.

Kind Regards.
wake up. This is the end game.

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Re: clapper011

Postby AndyDufresne on Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:33 pm

captain.crazy wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Moderator Authority Abuse

Game number(s):


I received a forum ban for flaming. I can't seem to understand how telling someone to f*ck off or suggesting that the pictures that they usually post are shitty can be considered flaming.

these are the "offending" posts:

(after pimpdave's post where clapper mod edit it)

where the edit was for the word "shitty"

(after DM's post where clapper mod edit it)
where the edit was for the words "now f*ck off"

the first term, while an explicative, cannot be considered flaming, because I was simply describing the pictures that pimpdave usually posts... even while I was complementing him for actually making a thoughtful post. I had not seen that from him before.

The second term, telling someone to "f*ck off" also cannot be concidered flaming... as it is a suggestion/figure of speach, for telling someone to get lost.

Is it the policy of this site that swear words are not allowed? If so, that should be made clear. Also, there is clearly a "bad word filter" that is in place that can take care of that,

I would like to have clapper011's descision reviewed, and if my claims are found to be valid, I would ask that my 72 hour ban be purged from my record. I truly believe that this was a mistake on the part of clapper011.

Kind Regards.

If you have issues with a past disciplinary action by a Volunteer Moderator on Team CC, please contact Optimus Prime and myself, Andy Dufresne. :)

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