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confx [warned]

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confx [warned]

Postby eddie666 on Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:55 am


Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.
Delete any accusations or entries which do not apply.

Be sure before you accuse someone!



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Other: chat abuse and only attacking me (eddie666) with a vindictive plot

Game number(s):

Game 5000166

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Re: confx

Postby Rabid bunnies on Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:35 pm


...why not help the underdog win

This is where 3 player games are fickle. No matter how he moves or what he does, he will end up helping 1 person take the advantage. He simply chose to make a move that gave the advantage to the other player instead of you. If he had attacked the other player instead then that player might have made the same complaints you are making.

I learned to develop thick skin for 3 player games. Play the best you can, know that because you have 33% of the map along with 2 other players, you're affected by each move they make directly or indirectly. Sometimes players are just lucky to be the one who isn't on the recieving end of a few extra attacks that make the difference in the end.

In this case it could have gone either way but Red was lucky to not be on the receiving end of this guy's mood swing.

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Re: confx

Postby king sam on Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:55 pm

eddie666 wrote:Accused:

The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: chat abuse and only attacking me (eddie666) with a vindictive plot

Game number(s):
Game 5000166

Game 5000166 Chat wrote:2009-06-01 11:35:15 - eddie666: green wtf you idiot
2009-06-01 11:35:56 - confx: f*ck you...thats set up for you red
2009-06-01 11:40:57 - eddie666: omg green
2009-06-01 11:46:28 - eddie666: i migth have to report you green
2009-06-01 11:48:32 - eddie666: yep im going to report you and have you removed from cc
2009-06-01 11:50:11 - confx: Why because you started being a twat...I new I would why not help the it`s nice to Kick Fucking Brit ASS
2009-06-01 11:50:26 - confx: GG RED

I disagree Rabid bunnies. Based on the chat I quoted above one can take it as deliberately throwing a game which is an unsaid rule. Whether or not the other player was involved cognitively is yet to be decided.

Good Luck,
King Sam
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Re: confx

Postby Rabid bunnies on Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:17 pm

The chat truly is awkward but when I see this stuff in a 3 player game I think about this scenario:

Player A takes a minor bonus. Player B takes a minor bonus, Player C gets ready to take a bonus but is interrupted by player B expanding from his small bonus.

Player B and C exchange a little. It's clear player B will not allow Player C to take a bonus and it's clear Player C will not abandon the chase for the bonus.

If Player C becomes annoyed at the constant hassle from Player B and tells player B: "Let me have my bonus or you will have to fight me in all of my strength"

Do you consider Player C to be throwing the game? I wonder here if what we had was a scenario of 2 people clashing alot and in frustration 1 player realized they couldn't win so used all their men against the player who they fought most of the game. I know it happens alot.

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Re: confx

Postby king sam on Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:39 pm

I concur that any given move in a 3 player game can easily swing the momentum and game one way or the other but for the accused to say what he said in chat I believe his moves for the other player to win was a pre-meditated act and is blantly obvious of abuse of the game.

Had eddie not been a "Brit" or been a lower rank given the judgement of this character then the game would have been swayed to the direction of him.

By saying the game is set up for another, or that I knew I was going to lose so I helped another user win cause of whatever reason is an open admittance that he threw a game in my opinion.
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Re: confx

Postby king achilles on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:37 pm

It is a bit tricky when it is a 3 player game. If a player gets attacked more, accusations and suspicions can be made quickly. However, for this case, based from the what confx said in the game chat, he is still warned.
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