Conquer Club

Possible secret alliance?

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Possible secret alliance?

Postby DirtyBirdy on Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:00 pm

I don't know protocol in this regard.
Game number is 189761, players Alchemist & Mightor.

Both respectable looking enough players, but they haven't been doing much against each other. This may come across as sour grapes, but so be it. As I see it, they both hold a continent, red(Alchemist) has North America and green (Mightor) has South America. They have left the border relatively lightly fortified, and green keeps making nonsensical attacks against me (blue). In the game I am probably the weakest player, yet still far from being taken out.
The whole situation seems suspicious to me. I have looked and they have played 2 other games against each other, both on 2.0. Both of which alchemist has won.
Like I said both players are ranked and appear to be reputable, but the situation in 189761 seems to defy logic. I apologize if this is the does prove to be nothing more then sour grapes... but it seems fishy. I appreciate your help or insights into this. Thank you in advance
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Postby dezzy26 on Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:39 pm

hi dirtybirdy

there is a aticky at the top of the page in this topic
copy and paste it into this forum and fill in the blanks
that way the multi hunters will look into it quicker
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Sergeant dezzy26
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