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Garcon Trolling [noted]

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Garcon Trolling [noted]

Postby btown80 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:16 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Trolling

Game number(s):

Game 4783942

Comments: Comes into the game where he does not belong and begins chatting about other games, trying to get a rise out of me. This is trolling, and highly illegal. Please note/punish him.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby JCKing on Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:05 pm

He made very few comments in there, yes going in the game he's not in, is trolling and should be warned. But you on the other hand, have no right calling people names just b/c the dice they're having, I also believe you should get a warning for your comments and your mouth.
Last edited by JCKing on Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby garcon on Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:18 pm

Yes, I was trolling, but this "person" btown80 was completely rude telling me to f*ck myself, my mother, to die, etc...
When I tried to reason with him that the dice are good and bad for all players, he only became worse.
Please see game #4783517 if you have any further questions.

I visited some of his other active games and he was treating those opponents the very same way, he really ought not be played by anyone.

P.S. I did use combative words towards him, but only after realizing that there is no other way to communicate with such a "person".
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby btown80 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:27 pm

Good thing JCKing isn't moderator, doesn't even know the rules. lol. Stay off the topic if you don't know what the hell you are talking about
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby Timminz on Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:30 pm

Dude. You acted like a complete ass. He brought it up in another game, and you thought you'd best bring your hissy fit into the C&A forum?

Grow up.

If you can't handle your bullshit being brought up, stop throwing so much of it around.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby JCKing on Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:31 pm

Thanks Timminz, exactly my thoughts.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby btown80 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:47 pm

You guys are focusing on a non issue. When acting like an ass is banned, let me know. Until then, keep your nonsense psycho babble to yourself, and if you must write it somewhere, write it in your little sisters diary. The issue on this topic is Trolling by Garcon, which is a direct violation of the rules.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby Woodruff on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:04 pm

btown80 wrote:You guys are focusing on a non issue. When acting like an ass is banned, let me know. Until then, keep your nonsense psycho babble to yourself, and if you must write it somewhere, write it in your little sisters diary. The issue on this topic is Trolling by Garcon, which is a direct violation of the rules.

Actually, your posting in this public forum does open up all of the activities in the game to public scrutiny. If you would like to avoid that, I suggest that in the future you open up an e-ticket rather than posting here in the public forum.

And acting like an ass is a bannable offense under certain circumstances. In fact, under the Community Guidelines, it's pretty much the very first thing stated.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby Timminz on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:06 pm

btown80 wrote:You guys are focusing on a non issue. When acting like an ass is banned, let me know. Until then, keep your nonsense psycho babble to yourself, and if you must write it somewhere, write it in your little sisters diary. The issue on this topic is Trolling by Garcon, which is a direct violation of the rules.

This whole thread is a non issue. Maybe if Garcon had a history of it, you might have a case, but you've shown ONE game, where he posted ONE comment.

But while we're on the subject of trolling. Your comment about "your little sisters [sic] diary" can be seen one, of two ways. 1) An attempt at being dismissive (a "put-down", or "flame"), or 2) An attempt to get a rise out of someone ("trolling")

If anyone needs to be disciplined here, it's you.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby btown80 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:14 pm

So if you murder someone just one time, is it still a crime? Breaking a rule once or a 1000 times is still breaking the rule my friend. And unless you have a point of being in this thread, I suggest you leave. You are not contributing (Trolling) and making pointless posts.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby skaterchild3 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:31 pm

btown80 wrote:So if you murder someone just one time, is it still a crime? Breaking a rule once or a 1000 times is still breaking the rule my friend. And unless you have a point of being in this thread, I suggest you leave. You are not contributing (Trolling) and making pointless posts.

I suggest you calm down, we are all merely voicing our opinions, and you dissagreeing and trying to start something is not really helping your case. In my eyes, you are the troll not Garcon. It appears to me that everytime the dice that go your way you accuse them of being rigged and proceed to throw your temper tantrum. Here's a little tip for you:

TheProwler wrote:I love talking about myself.

Haywood Jablomie wrote:your dice are slaying me!!!
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby Timminz on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:33 pm

btown80 wrote:So if you murder someone just one time, is it still a crime? Breaking a rule once or a 1000 times is still breaking the rule my friend. And unless you have a point of being in this thread, I suggest you leave. You are not contributing (Trolling) and making pointless posts.

Comparing murder, to posting in gamechat is ridiculous, at best.

Garcon could not be considered to be trolling you, as he only made one comment, in one game, and it wasn't even directed towards you. He posted there specifically for the other player in the game to see.

As for your suggestion that we are "trolling" your thread, disagreeing with you is NOT considered trolling. We are not the ones behaving inappropriately. In fact, some might say that we are attempting to discourage you from behaving inappropriately, not only in gamechat, but in this forum as well.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby skaterchild3 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:37 pm

btown80 wrote:btown80: i'm telling you to f*ck off, jump off a cliff, go f*ck your mother, and go to hell

The flame wars are gone, so I would believe that the mods would not want this kind of comment.
TheProwler wrote:I love talking about myself.

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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby btown80 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:39 pm

I've seriously had enough of all this crap from you guys who aren't mod's and aren't in the game. If you would like to make a post about my attitude or the way I talk, then go f'ing do it. This post is about GARCON'S TROLLING. Any posts that do not relate to that topic of considered off topic and do not belong here. I'd be happy to argue with any of you in another post about me if you would like to make it.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby skaterchild3 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:41 pm

btown80 wrote:I've seriously had enough of all this crap from you guys who aren't mod's and aren't in the game. If you would like to make a post about my attitude or the way I talk, then go f'ing do it. This post is about GARCON'S TROLLING. Any posts that do not relate to that topic of considered off topic and do not belong here. I'd be happy to argue with any of you in another post about me if you would like to make it.

Every post on this thread has been on topic, we have disagreed with you saying Garcon is the troll and have in turn found you the troll. Every post that was made belongs here.
TheProwler wrote:I love talking about myself.

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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby btown80 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:43 pm

skaterchild3 wrote:
btown80 wrote:btown80: i'm telling you to f*ck off, jump off a cliff, go f*ck your mother, and go to hell

The flame wars are gone, so I would believe that the mods would not want this kind of comment.

omg skaterchild, does this belong? This isn't even in the listed game. Over half of the posts on here are in regards to my attitude. So once again, for all of you who didn't read carefully the first time, if you have a problem with me, create an abuse post, and we will duke it out in there. As for this forum post, this is for Garcon.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby Woodruff on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:48 pm

btown80 wrote:I've seriously had enough of all this crap from you guys who aren't mod's and aren't in the game. If you would like to make a post about my attitude or the way I talk, then go f'ing do it. This post is about GARCON'S TROLLING. Any posts that do not relate to that topic of considered off topic and do not belong here. I'd be happy to argue with any of you in another post about me if you would like to make it.

Our posts are relevant. In fact, you are making our posts more and more relevant with every statement you make.
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby skaterchild3 on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:50 pm

btown80 wrote:
skaterchild3 wrote:
btown80 wrote:btown80: i'm telling you to f*ck off, jump off a cliff, go f*ck your mother, and go to hell

The flame wars are gone, so I would believe that the mods would not want this kind of comment.

omg skaterchild, does this belong? This isn't even in the listed game. Over half of the posts on here are in regards to my attitude. So once again, for all of you who didn't read carefully the first time, if you have a problem with me, create an abuse post, and we will duke it out in there. As for this forum post, this is for Garcon.

Actually, It is in the game that was referred too by Garcon and with good reason. Seeing that is more then enough for you to be added to my Foe list. I do not wish to "Duke it out" as you so boldy put it, as that would lead to a flame war, which this is already beginning to turn into.
TheProwler wrote:I love talking about myself.

Haywood Jablomie wrote:your dice are slaying me!!!
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Re: Garcon Trolling

Postby king achilles on Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:14 am

Cheating & Abuse Forum is where you can make a Cheating & Abuse report but it is also open for people to chime in their own opinions. Disagreements are not necessarily trolling the thread and in this case, their comments are also perceptive of the whole situation. If is a noteworthy trolling post, let us handle it.

Considering that this is the only game, and technically, the nature of Garcon's post, I can only note this. Granted that the action done by Garcon was unnecessary, I can also see a lot of it in this thread as well.

Looking at the whole picture, I could say be careful in what you say in your game chats or else this can be a recurring behavior from various players that you gave lovable words with. For your own good, better take a look at yourself as the next time a similar report is opened, this can backfire on you instead.
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