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trymebyfire - Secret Diplomacy/Multis [cleared/noted]

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trymebyfire - Secret Diplomacy/Multis [cleared/noted]

Postby darkseb on Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:55 am


david ellen

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis and Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Purple territories captured : 7 green, 8 blue, 10 yellow, 1 red
Red Purple territories captured: 20 green, 5 blue, 9 purple, 2 yellow
Green Purple territories captured : 11 blue, 2 purple, 12 red, 5 yellow
Yellow Purple territories captured : 8 blue, 11 green, 15 purple, 2 red
Blue Purple territories captured : 10 red, 24 purple, 13 green, 6 yellow
The only time red attack on yellow was to take S america, only time yellow attack red or blue was to take Europe or Africa, Blue only attack Yellow to take bonuses on asia. None of them broke any bonuses of the others...Wheter they are really bad strategist or they are conducting secret diplomacy or being multis. After round 1, yellow had 2 bonuses, still no one except me and purple try to took him one...And on the last turn (round 10), red kill every country but leave me one where im surrounded by Yellow and he perfectly KNEW he couldnt reach me there and he never attacked yellow or blue to break there bonuses...AND if you look carefully at Trymebyfire ratings he received lately a LOT of secret diplomacy rating...kinda weird...

Hope those facts help you understand its secret diplomacy or multis..

Game number(s):

Game 4714614

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Re: trymebyfire

Postby C5T on Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:08 pm

wow green where u find those stats at ? Personally I thought red played fair and he even broke bonuses of blue in asia, cant remem what he did to yellow. I do think he could of hit yellow on horn on first turn after I weakened him and since he was right next to it.
Blue and yellow definately did anything to break each others bonuses. I couldnt believe when blue held all of asia and yellow had 3 guys on philipeans and blue had 1 guy on tiawan and 1 guy in china he just let him be. It only took me 3 turns to figure out they had something going on in the game.
In my opinion it really took away from the game and i would of been happy if either of you or red won the game, but especially not yellow or blue, the first 2 for my foe list.
btw.. what is multis? same person?
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Re: trymebyfire - Secret Diplomacy/Multis

Postby king achilles on Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:36 pm

As far as being multis are concerned, these three are cleared of it. As for a possible secret diplomacy, we would be needing more than one game to warrant a block for the involved accounts. Seeing as both of you has seen something suspicious in yellow and blue, and even mentioned trymebyfire"s ratings, I guess it pretty much gives you an idea of what kind of a player he might be.
Please don't have more than 1 account. If you have any CC concerns, you can contact us here.
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