The above accused did not attack player until the 11th round: jefjef during the game. I advised the player that we would need for him to attack him and in order my teammate and I to stand a chance we had to attack bkwill to gain territories and bonuses so that we had a chance. Instead, the player obviously got upset that he lost his territory bonus and my comment that his partner had made an irrational move rather than attack the stronger team. Additionally, I must note that even though my partner and I eventually won the game, and regardless of this win, it is clearly evident that the accused player was deliberately trying to throw the game not only by his/her actions via game, but by game chat as well.
The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: Deliberately throwing a game
Game number(s):
Game 4645251
Game chat: 2009-04-09 20:14:18 - bkwill: I whould rather red and green win then lose to a couple of manipulators like you two
The other player who is NOT accused (jefjef) has apparently played 3 or 4 speed games with him before via 1 vs 1.