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kiddicus maximus [Warned]

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kiddicus maximus [Warned]

Postby owenshooter on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:19 pm

Accused:kiddicus maximus

The accused are suspected of:
-spamming the GD with unnecessary threads / many of which were locked.

-trolling the GD in an effort to gain control of the first page (all threads would have had his name had he not been told he was being reported).

-abuse of the C&A forum with false accusations against other members.

-veiled racism (rehashing one of ronc's favorite veiled racist comments repeatedly levelled at me)

on april 9th shortly after 3am my time, i noticed kiddicus maximus was creating threads within the GD at a rapid pace. in short, he created 12 new threads and then began posting in an additional 8 in an effort to get his name on the entire first page of the GD and on every subject line. as soon as i notified kiddicus that i was reporting his trolling and spamming of the GD, he began to delete his posts and his threads which i was not able to post in. i did however manage to report each and every spam thread that he created and deleted, so there is a record within the mod forums of each and every thread that he created and deleted. to top it off, several of his threads that myself or others posted in, he was unable to delete, and they were later locked by a mod (excluding one).

after i posted in his threads to keep him from being able to delete them. he began to PM me that i was trolling him and that he was going to post me in C&A and see to it that i was banned. he opened a bogus thread with rubbish claims, which was quickly locked by a mod and has drifted to the bottom of the first page and will probably fall off the front page soon, without any ruling. i hope his locked thread is looked at and considered as a part of all of the activities kiddicus was involved in on the 9th of april.

after his thread was locked, and his remaining threads were locked, kiddicus continued to PM me in an effort to engage me/bait me into getting myself into trouble. he even stooped to the classic non-racist/racist insult used by ronc and others in flame wars when they attempted to get me involved in their now defunct forum:

kiddicus maximus wrote:congratulations! you failed. still here, no warning, no ban, nothing.
Guess what? They like me more. It's lonely at the top. Your actions during that exchange were quite niggardly, Owen. I expected better from someone of your self-proclaimed intelligence.

the text book definition of the word niggardly is meant to be "stingy" or "miserly" or "tight fisted". it is obvious that kiddicus, like ronc, is using the word in a racist manner meaning "ignorant" or the "n word". the fact that the word is used out of context and improperly and only for its close association with the "N" word, and that it was levied against an outspoken and prominent black member of the CC community is absolutely disgusting. kiddicus in no way is using the word in the proper frame or with the proper definition. it is transparent and racist at best, and that is a fact that can not be argued.

in short. kiddicus maximus attempted to take over the GD in a show of his displeasure of the Flame Wars forum being removed, and i caught him. all 12 of the threads were reported, all but 1 have been deleted or locked. all the additional comments he made in the other threads were also deleted and some reported. he abused the C&A forum when i caught him, and then hurled veiled racist comments at me within a PM.

i know that if i engaged in the activities that kiddicus did on the 9th of april, i would have immediately been given a month long hiatus from Conquer Club. Kiddicus continues to run about the forums, as if nothing happened, and to hurl veiled racist comments at black members. the rules should be the rules, and they should be applied evenly to all members. what the mods would do to me for kiddicus' actions, they should do to him. i only ask that this truly be looked at, as his list of transgressions are horrendous, disgusting, and embarassing to CC on a whole. thank you...-0
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Re: kiddicus maximus trolling/spamming/C&A abuse/veiled racism

Postby sailorseal on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:29 pm

He needs a vacation
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Re: kiddicus maximus trolling/spamming/C&A abuse/veiled racism

Postby jpcloet on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:31 pm

Please post a link to the quote.
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Re: kiddicus maximus trolling/spamming/C&A abuse/veiled racism

Postby owenshooter on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:34 pm

jpcloet wrote:Please post a link to the quote.

that quote is from a PM i forwarded to two mods. i have no problem with giving a mod access to my inbox to check the validity of the PM, i have done so before, and have nothing to hide...-0
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Re: kiddicus maximus trolling/spamming/C&A abuse/veiled racism

Postby clapper011 on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:35 pm

owen, he is not the only one "rehashing" the racist comment... :roll:
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Re: kiddicus maximus [Warned]

Postby Night Strike on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:36 pm

kiddicus maximus has been warned.

Don't forget owen, you can put him on your foe list or block his PMs, even though you claim you don't like using that.
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Re: kiddicus maximus trolling/spamming/C&A abuse/veiled racism

Postby owenshooter on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:38 pm

clapper011 wrote:owen, he is not the only one "rehashing" the racist comment... :roll:

this is a wonderful comment from a mod to be made in the C&A forum. it shows exactly how racially insensitive many of the mods on CC can actually be. the fact kiddicus is using a word out of context with the improper defintion, simply because of it's close association to the "N" word is veiled and racist. perhaps you aren't a person of colour, clapper. perhaps you have never dealt with racism in your life. many of us have, and many of us know what is and what it means. if you are truly this naive and insensitive, you need not post in this thread. this is a very serious accusation against a member and your sarcasm is not appreciated.-0
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Re: kiddicus maximus [Warned]

Postby owenshooter on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:40 pm

Night Strike wrote:kiddicus maximus has been warned.

for spamming up the GD with 12 threads?
for trolling the additional 8 threads?
for abusing the C&A?
for levelling veiled racist comments against black members?

what was he warned for? thanks for the answer, but i'm just wondering.
seems like this is much more serious than a warning. as i stated, had i
done this, i would be gone for a month.-0
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Re: kiddicus maximus [Warned]

Postby Night Strike on Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:43 pm

Considering I had already warned him for spamming/trolling/flaming in GD, this warning was for the racist PM.

Just to be clear, you probably would have received a 1 month ban because you've already had a history of forum bans. He hasn't. User history is ALWAYS taken into account, which is why different actions are taken even when the offenses are the same.
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Re: kiddicus maximus [Warned]

Postby Snorri1234 on Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:13 pm

Best thread ever.
"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill."

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Re: kiddicus maximus trolling/spamming/C&A abuse/veiled racism

Postby sailorseal on Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:14 pm

sailorseal wrote:He needs a vacation

I went back and read some of his stuff, really bad I say ban this troll
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Re: kiddicus maximus trolling/spamming/C&A abuse/veiled racism

Postby demonfork on Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:16 pm

clapper011 wrote:owen, he is not the only one "rehashing" the racist comment... :roll:

:o Holy shit, this is one of the most passively aggressive forms of racial intolerance I have ever seen here on CC and it comes form the mouth of a mod no less!

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Re: kiddicus maximus [Warned]

Postby whitestazn88 on Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:28 pm

clearly he is disgruntled about the loss of flame wars, but the blatant attacks on the community forums are unnecessary. i feel as though a single warning is ineffective, and a ban should at least be placed upon him to set an example that that behavior is not to be tolerated on the forum
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Re: kiddicus maximus trolling/spamming/C&A abuse/veiled racism

Postby Serbia on Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:59 pm

sailorseal wrote:
sailorseal wrote:He needs a vacation

I went back and read some of his stuff, really bad I say ban this troll

Go away.
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may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
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Re: kiddicus maximus [Warned]

Postby happy2seeyou on Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:10 pm

I can see where someone may get a warning for it happening once since they don't have a history but this person had to have known what he/she was doing. Someone doesn't just post in every single thread in one forum in a few minutes for the heck of it. It's obvious that he/she did it on purpose. It took me all of two seconds to find it written in the forum guidelines saying that it is NOT tolerated. amusing...

Night Strike wrote:# In no circumstances is bigotry allowed.

* Bigotry includes racism, aggressive homophobia, religion bashing or wishing violence on any minority group.
* Bigotry takes into account historic events, emotional baggage and generally accepted associations with a term, phrase or intent - posting "White Power" in a thread has a history and is bigoted, posting "Green Power" makes you an environmentalist.

Spam is posting for the sole intention of being annoying.
There are a million ways you shouldn't be annoying, but ones worth mentioning:

* Double/triple/multiple posting.
* Quoting just for the sake of quoting.
o "QFE", "QFT" etc. do not qualify as "a meaningful post", add why you agree with the quote.
* Posting only, or lots of, smilies.
* Posting about yourself in a thread that is not specifically about you.
* Posts that add nothing to the current topic.
* Posting rapidly in a short time.
* Posting the same thing over and over in the same or other threads.
* Posting "parody" threads that aren't meant for an actual discussion.
* Necrobumping (bringing dead threads back to life) if no new meaningful content is being added.

Twill wrote:Don't be intentionally annoying!

Common sense prevails - if you are intentionally or continually making this community less enjoyable for others, you're going to be removed from it. It's that simple. This applies to any part of the site where interaction takes place; in Forums, Private Messages, Live Chat and Game Chat.
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Re: kiddicus maximus [closed]

Postby nagerous on Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:14 pm

Are you serious? Only a warning for a deliberate act of racism in a PM? Especially, when the sender is known to be very close and in the same clan as another user who previously used racial language aimed at the same user. I guess my faith with CC mods was unjustified :(. If it wasn't owen then a a ban would've been given straight away...
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Re: kiddicus maximus trolling/spamming/C&A abuse/veiled racism

Postby clapper011 on Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:17 pm

owenshooter wrote:
clapper011 wrote:owen, he is not the only one "rehashing" the racist comment... :roll:

this is a wonderful comment from a mod to be made in the C&A forum. it shows exactly how racially insensitive many of the mods on CC can actually be. the fact kiddicus is using a word out of context with the improper defintion, simply because of it's close association to the "N" word is veiled and racist. perhaps you aren't a person of colour, clapper. perhaps you have never dealt with racism in your life. many of us have, and many of us know what is and what it means. if you are truly this naive and insensitive, you need not post in this thread. this is a very serious accusation against a member and your sarcasm is not appreciated.-0

my comments were not about the pm you received, but about what you keep bringing up about the situation before (concerning yourself and ronc) and had nothing to do with the actual pm you were reporting here in this thread , only about the comment that you made on everyone rehashing it. I do in no way take a passive stand on racism and I dont appreciate you claiming as such. I apologize if that was how you took my comment, but it was not about what kid max said or sent you in a pm!
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Re: kiddicus maximus [Warned]

Postby clapper011 on Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:23 pm

owenshooter wrote:
Night Strike wrote:kiddicus maximus has been warned.

for spamming up the GD with 12 threads?
for trolling the additional 8 threads?
for abusing the C&A?
for levelling veiled racist comments against black members?

what was he warned for? thanks for the answer, but i'm just wondering.
seems like this is much more serious than a warning. as i stated, had i
done this, i would be gone for a month.-0

for levelling veiled racist comments against black members? he has received a 24 hour ban as this is his first reported racial remark.
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