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badasha and badr [cleared]

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badasha and badr [cleared]

Postby cthoenen1 on Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:19 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 4222873

Comments: I've been suspecting these two of secret diplomacy for quite a few turns. Early on, they battled a little between Germany and The West, but since then they have ignored one another. There were several times that I reduces Austria or West Germany to one troop, and every single time badr chose to ignore the one troop, even though it would have broken up biggest continent bonus on the map. It just seemed suspect that every single time that badr or badasha were in the situation to break up the others continent bonus for practically no loss, they chose not to.

Suspect actions:
badr only has one army on france, yet badr chose to completely ignore it even though it would break up badr's continent bonus.
Earlier in the game, badr had quite a few fortifications on france and Belgium, yet whenever I reduced West Germany to 1 or 2 armies on it badr ignored it... it would have been easy for badr to break up badasha's continent bonus while eliminating two borders at the same time, but repeatedly chose to ignore badasha.
Throughout the game, there have been many situations that they only had one army bordering each other and ignored one another instead of breaking continent bonuses.

I am not trying to be a jerk; I was going to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I saw that badasha has been suspected of secret diplomacy in the past, although cleared. It just seems that with each turn that goes by, the more suspect the two of them look as far as secret diplomacy is concerned.
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Re: badasha and badr

Postby king achilles on Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:02 am

Checking the game right now, it appears badr is actually protecting his borders and has the numbers to make a counter attack just in case badasha does take a risk. badasha could also be aware of this and is more concerned in protecting his bonus rather make an attack on teal right now. Orange is also a potential threat just in case teal and green decide to attack each other from that side. Since this is a no-spoils game, both are keen on protecting their respective bonuses and are trying to build up. Cleared.
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