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Meal ticket [taken care of]

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Meal ticket [taken care of]

Postby GrimReaper. on Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:43 pm

meal ticket

Being Multis
yep its ram again

Comments: her is one of his post... speaks for it self...

meal ticket wrote:I had a speed game of about 20 rounds, with 20+ missed turns by the net players....





...Wait a second! I haven't played a speed game! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?????

Wait....WAIT! It's coming to me.....AH THAT'S IT!


Yes, yes, yes. This is the egg. Hello all, I am sure I will receive a WARM Welcome back to the community. My 'main' account has STILL not been banned, and we are 3 or 4 weeks into it! 'Tis official. I am back.

And with Twill retired, I may never have my final one banned :!:

Speaking of Twill....Twill, WAY TO GO on dishing owenshooter a little forum ban! HA! He must be a CHEATER 'cuz he BROKE the RULES!! About time we see some FAIRNESS! :lol:

My apologies for making this account, but I needed to talk with Mr. Jeff Hardy and am not ready to talk to him with my main account. If you would like to talk with me for some reason, post on "the egg" 's wall and if I feel it is worth it, I will make another account and discuss any issue you may have. But be hasty! I will no longer be able to make more accounts without endangering my main one in a matter of months.

When the first Atom bomb test was complete a colleague of Oppenheimer said: "What an Awesome and Foul display of Power." a moment later he added, "Now we are all sons of bitches"
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Re: Meal ticket

Postby army of nobunaga on Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:44 pm

this guy only wants attention and you are giving it to him... he is a loser and a nobody, eos.
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