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cupcake123 [Busted +4]

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cupcake123 [Busted +4]

Postby Eurisko on Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:42 am



The accused is suspected of:

Abusive language
Stalking my other games and slagging me there
Poor spelling and grammar ;)

Game number(s):

Game 3861800
Game 3933174
Game 3611791
Game 3875601

cupcake123 and I had an alliance, which I broke, once it was clear to me that he wasn't taking our plan seriously and was instead boxing out Red (our intended target) to ensure that he eliminated him and got his cards. Okay--that happens in a game, right? No big deal, I thought. cupcake123, however, didn't take kindly to this and posted a series of abusive comments in the game chat (Game 3861800) including: "cupcake123: bastasrd" and "cupcake123: fucking loser". He later sent me a private e-mail calling me a "fag" or "queer" or something (I deleted it not knowing cupcake123 would continue his rant; I now wish I'd kept it as evidence. Perhaps a moderator can retrieve it...) And today I discover that he's slagging me in all the other games which I'm playing (he's not in any of those matches, and needless to say he's going on my foe list as soon as our game concludes...)

Now, I don't mind him being mad at me--he seems like of like a really hotheaded 12-year old who needs to grow up, so I can overlook that. I do take exception to his language, mostly because I'd never treat him that way in our game and would certainly never track down his other games and badmouth him there. But what really bothers me is him posting in my other games. I haven't had any problems with any other players except him and I resent him bringing our disagreement into what have been perfectly pleasant, fun games with good and respectful players. I'm a little concerned he plans to follow me around to all my games and flame me.

I'm not sure where this ranks on the CC scale of severity, but I wanted to make you aware of this guy and hope that one of the moderators can talk to him and perhaps refresh his memory as to the rules of conduct and get him to stop stalking my other games.


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Re: cupcake123

Postby cupcake123 on Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:34 pm

rules of conduct? poor spelling and grammar? is this guy kidding ?

he broke an alliance without warning cause it was the most beneficial thing he could do to try to win the game, agreed this will happen from time to time cause people like Eurisko cant win with honor.. well he has a hard time winning in general from what I've seen.

Regardless, there is no way to warn other players that this guy is a backstabbing 2 bit worthless piece of CC trash that I wouldn't sooner wipe my butt with than ever play with again, so I went in his active games and made a simple statement proclaiming to everyone that he is the type of guy that will stab you in the back when he gets his first opportunity.

I'm sorry he has a problem with me calling the black kettle black, but it is what it is.

As for the language, yeah i said some in our game, but big deal, hes an adult and so am i. he never mentioned having a problem with me calling him a bastard, or at least never made me aware of it until i read this piece of crap that he has written about me.. But I am gathering that all this guy can do is stuff behind your back,

And seriously who would ever type up a complaint on someone for poor spelling, yeah you got me i finger fudged a few words, call the grammar police.

This guy has proved the point that he is dumb, and this allegation should not even get the time of day.

the guy that called Eurisko an IDIOT !!
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Re: cupcake123

Postby DarthBlood on Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:39 pm

just so you know eurisko, you can block cupcake during your game. you don't have to wait until it's over. if you do block in the middle, all of his chat disappears from your chat box, along with his posts, which should be above mine, and anything you might get from your pm box (...i think?)
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Re: cupcake123

Postby cupcake123 on Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:42 pm

Eurisko wrote:Now, I don't mind him being mad at me--he seems like of like a really hotheaded 12-year old who needs to grow up, so I can overlook that.

? What is like of like anyways ??

Eurisko wrote:I do take exception to his language, mostly because I'd never treat him that way in our game and would certainly never track down his other games and badmouth him there. But what really bothers me is him posting in my other games.

? That makes no sense their numb nuts, I think you mean this "I don't take exception...."

Quick fix this crap before the grammar police come and arrest you Eurisko
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Corporal 1st Class cupcake123
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Re: cupcake123

Postby Eurisko on Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:20 pm

Thanks Darth Blood. That helped a lot :)

- Eurisko
Cadet Eurisko
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Re: cupcake123

Postby jpliberty on Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:25 am

cupcake123 wrote:rules of conduct? poor spelling and grammar? is this guy kidding ?

he broke an alliance without warning cause it was the most beneficial thing he could do to try to win the game, agreed this will happen from time to time cause people like Eurisko cant win with honor.. well he has a hard time winning in general from what I've seen.

Regardless, there is no way to warn other players that this guy is a backstabbing 2 bit worthless piece of CC trash that I wouldn't sooner wipe my butt with than ever play with again, so I went in his active games and made a simple statement proclaiming to everyone that he is the type of guy that will stab you in the back when he gets his first opportunity.

I'm sorry he has a problem with me calling the black kettle black, but it is what it is.

As for the language, yeah i said some in our game, but big deal, hes an adult and so am i. he never mentioned having a problem with me calling him a bastard, or at least never made me aware of it until i read this piece of crap that he has written about me.. But I am gathering that all this guy can do is stuff behind your back,

And seriously who would ever type up a complaint on someone for poor spelling, yeah you got me i finger fudged a few words, call the grammar police.

This guy has proved the point that he is dumb, and this allegation should not even get the time of day.

the guy that called Eurisko an IDIOT !!

What, exactly is " win with honor"? Either you win or you do not. What is this honor horseshit?
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Re: cupcake123

Postby jpliberty on Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:27 am

Either you win or you do not. Cupcake lost. Oh, the sorrow.

Move on. Forget about it.
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Re: cupcake123

Postby cupcake123 on Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:08 am

check the game dipshit, i have not lost nor am i losing.. and their is a such thing as winning or losing with honor or dignity. you may not know of it, but that may not be saying much.

if you agree or become part of a truce you dont break that alliance without acknowledging that your going to do so to give the others involved fair warning.

This guy took advantage of the properties of my bonuses that were touching his and were barely guarded by invading them, and still isnt managing to win this game.

the old adage, cheaters never prosper comes to mind..
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Corporal 1st Class cupcake123
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Re: cupcake123

Postby Fireside Poet on Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:46 am


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