I honestly feel that playing in the same game on the same IP is cheating. Most likely it's going to be family members or good friends playing on the same computer so to even think they wouldn't favour each other is just naive.
Also if you could as premium be allowed to create or be in 5 game limit (kind of like freebees) where you can have only ranked players join your games. This way newbies (unranked) will be less often deadbeating in premium player games and they will still be able to join games with ranked players. I think it would bring a lot more competition for players looking for it, but don't have the time to actually organize games.
on a side note... I don't think checking the games you created is a very viable solution to any problem when trying to avoid unranked or poor feedback players. I know if 1 of my friends joined one of my games I wouldn't bail on him so that solution just isn't a logical one to me.