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ctorresh and k12 [noted]

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ctorresh and k12 [noted]

Postby Shrinky on Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:46 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 3423666


For the past 3 rounds, red(ctorresh) and cyan(k12) have left open and unprotected borders. This comment made by cyan made me suspicious

2008-11-15 12:28:01 - k12: red, i understand, it's yours;)

Now that's the only evidence from game chat. Must be pm alliance here.

As of now cyan has only 1 and red has 2 on their shared borders. It's been like this for the past 3 rounds.
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Re: ctorresh and k12

Postby king achilles on Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:57 am

Teal was responding to red's statements earlier.

k12: how many words...don't cry yellow, it's just a game;)
k12: sorry, red, but +11 is to much
ctorresh: I understand
ctorresh: Just try to wait, because it is possible blue hit me
orange, blue and green chats....
k12: red, i understand, it's yours;)

I agree that it looks suspicious. However, teal could also be indirectly using red so that grey/silver would be hesitant to take a large amount of troops from von Leeb just to get inside von Rundstedt and pose a greater threat to his region. Teal could be waiting for the right time. As for red's strategy, if he breaks teal's region, he knows that teal will retaliate and attack him from that weak side and thus, give red added trouble defending against almost everyone since he is practically in the middle. At least that's one way looking at this.

Since this is their first game played together so far, this game noted for now.
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