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Overlord Jon, Nicky1000, The Doxa [busted]

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Overlord Jon, Nicky1000, The Doxa [busted]

Postby e_i_pi on Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:18 am


Overlord Jon (Premium)
The Doxa

The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 3536063
Game 3536062
Game 3536058
Game 3536057
...and 13 other games.

All games played as Triples Std Freestyle, Flat Rate, Unlimited, Doodle Earth. All games are private. All games result in Overlord Jon winning in about 3-5 rounds. Every game Nicky1000 and The Doxa suicide against each other.
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Re: Overlord Jon, Nicky1000, The Doxa

Postby Jeff Hardy on Sun Oct 26, 2008 2:21 pm

they are 100% either multis or friends of the overlord jon who are preventing him from having a low rank

more likely multis though because they turns back to back
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Re: Overlord Jon, Nicky1000, The Doxa

Postby The Neon Peon on Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:49 pm

I think this is the closest we can ever get to being sure of a multi other than *manimal's which he does not care if they are caught, and people who confess to it.

I took a look in several of those games, Nicky1000 attacks The Doxa a million times, Doxa attacks Nicky1000 with the troops he has left. Overlord Jon wins. Was the same in the 5 games I looked at.

1. Not a single one had Overlord Jon attacked at all, and the attacks made by the other players against each other were so numerous that they were probably never left with any troops on the board.
2. Their turns are never taken at the same time even though it is freestyle, the moves are always a bit apart, and interlaced so rarely that those were just early on attempts to conceal himself.
3. On the last turn of all 5 games, one of the freemium accounts started turn, but never deployed for over 10 minutes, allowing Overlod Jon to win the game.
4. They are all from the same country.
5. Their last log in times were minutes apart, and I would assume earlier log ins were also like this.
6. They all have a rather low range turn rate: 94-96%

I would love for him to come and try to explain his way out, why I come into this forum: the excuses are hilarious. But none of them appear to post too much.
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Re: Overlord Jon, Nicky1000, The Doxa

Postby king achilles on Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:22 am

Overlord Jon is busted with Nicky1000, The Doxa and now turned into a freemium.
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