Conquer Club

busypanda - fake deadbeater [Settled]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

busypanda - fake deadbeater [Settled]

Postby imcjb on Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:47 am


Be sure before you accuse someone!


The accused are suspected of:


Game number(s):

Game 3390828


It's not going to change the game nor the result but the more people that know his modus operandi the better. This player admitted to having to deadbeat and ended his turn. The other remaining player and I then attacked each other exclusively......and then busypanda returned next turn and redeemed a set in the escalating game.

I've put him on foe and i hope you all do the same. Lack has his money so he doesnt really care what happens to him but if you all foe him then hopefully he changes his ways.
Sergeant imcjb
Posts: 26
Joined: Wed May 02, 2007 1:45 pm
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Re: busypanda - fake deadbeater

Postby lancehoch on Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:24 am

Hi, this forum is for reporting people who have broken the site Rules. From what you have said, it does not appear that this user has broken any of the rules. If you do not like the fact that this user tricked you and was able to win the game, put the user on your foe list.
Sergeant lancehoch
Posts: 4183
Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:13 pm

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