by king achilles on Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:54 am
People can say things in the game chat that you may or may not be comfortable with. Slasher966 just doesn't want you having a truce and he can give you a bad rating or not even if he did not mention this in the game chat. It is expected that some will approve of your game play, and some will not. If he did influenced you with that, good for him. I'm sure there are lots of players out there who can also persuade you during a game then, directly or indirectly.
As long as you are within the rules and guidelines, truces or none, then continue playing your game. Feedbacks/ratings are really personal judgments and opinion. If he gives you a bad rating, you can defend yourself with a response comment and people can check for themselves if this player was really credible in giving that rating to you or not. That is again, a personal choice of the reader.