Accused:alvaro58 & kbriaco
The accused are suspected of:being the same person
Game number(s):2686224
Comments: Both are from Venezuala, both are playing seconds from each other.
I've saved the game log (short, small game) and a screen shot (at the point in time it was clear they were one).
How do I post this/can I? (sorry, asking prior to searching forum)
Finally, to any of you who have ever:
-had one player surround a "second" player's bonus countries to protect/not attack that bonus country area "defended" with ones by the second player.
-had three players in a game, had one player clearly winning by leaps and bounds, and had the other player who is equally dying as you are, attack you (not to destroy any bonus (I didn't have any)) and not attack the other adjacent territory held by the clear winner, which receives a bonus for the clear winner, and is defended by a one.
: I just wanted to let you know, you are apparently not alone.
Anything I can do but take the cheat, add them/him to my foe list, and move on?