I am not sure of zombiewulf, who seems to be playing fair (so far) but he has played number of games with other two players... may need investigating...?
The accused are suspected of:
- Being Multis
- Having a secret alliance
- Other: playing in the same games and playing as double/partners ! Withdrawing armies so the other player can benefit by scoring an easy bonus. Play as a team in a 5 player singles game.
Game number(s):
- Game 2444871 This is our game. They have played together in other games:
- Game 2375402
they seem to have started by playing a serious of PRIVATE games and now are taking on the world - Game 1797544 Private game
- Game 1853205 Private game
Both players are from Canada, joined 1 month from each other. Have played 5 Private games together, and now they are playing in 2 'normal' games
They may or may not be Multis, but are definitely playing as partners, aiding each other...
Game 2444871 This is an interesting game where 2 players have bonus next to each other, only turn 4 and they have not attacked their bonuses... Well so what??
Map Africa: Green player 'kriley218" goes for and gets a Southeast Coast on Turn 2. Blue player goes for and gets South Africa on turn 4. (these 2 bonuses share common border)
What got me interested was:
turn 1:
Green 'kriley218' secures 3 out of4 countries req. for bonus.
Blue 'Pike22' holds the last country needed for green's bonus (Mozambique).
--- Blue "pike22 attacked Zimbabwe from Mozambique and conquered it from zombiewulf" and then Blue Pike22 moves all of his armies to Zimbabwe, leaving 1 on Mozambique.
turn 2:
"kriley218 attacked Mozambique from Madagascar and conquered it from pike22" Green has attacked a single army left on Mozambique and has his bonus on turn 2.
Blue ignores green's bonus and leaves only token 2 armies on border and fights for South Africa.
All this time Blue had 3 armies sitting on Kenya actually defending Greens North border until the turn 4:
Turn 4:
kriley218 attacked Somalia from Kenya and conquered it from pike22. Green takes blues - Kenya and hold his north border.
----I had a look at some of their old games, and there seems to be more players who used to play in Private games together with kriley218 and pike22 but are now playing in Regular games where at least 2 or maybe 3 of them join....