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dougal4chaos & hatterson accusation withdrawn [Closed]

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dougal4chaos & hatterson accusation withdrawn [Closed]

Postby Angry Gerbil on Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:24 pm


The accused are suspected of:
  • Being Multis or
  • Having a secret alliance

Game number(s):


This seems pretty blatant to me, but I am not a trained MultiHunter. If I am wrong, I will offer my apologizes to dougal4chaos & hatterson.

I suspected them in Game 2398357 but they are in too many games together to list.

These two have been been in or are in 107 games together.
All of their games appear to be 8 player standard games.
These two are usually the first ones to join the game.
107 games together, but to date they have not played a single team game together.
Of their 54 completed 8 player games, they have won 34 or about 63% of them.
Skill levels being equal, this is about 2 1/2 times the number of games that they should have been expected to win.
hatterson has won 12 of their completed games.
dougal4chaos has won 22 of their completed games.
If studied, most of their games seem to have similar patterns and irregularities that suggest a multi or secret alliance.
Rarely do they seem to announce an alliance together unless it no longer matters.

Another irregularity: dougal4chaos is currently alive in 48 active games as a freemium. How can that be?

A. Gerbil
Last edited by Angry Gerbil on Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: dougal4chaos & hatterson accused

Postby lancehoch on Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:15 am

Angry Gerbil wrote:Another irregularity: dougal4chaos is currently alive in 48 active games as a freemium. How can that be?

A. Gerbil

He may have had premium and let it expire. Any games that you are in at that point, you can continue. You just cannot join more games until you are below the 4 game limit. He may just be letting these games wind down so that he gets more time for his money when he rebuys.
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Re: dougal4chaos & hatterson accused

Postby Angry Gerbil on Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:13 am

lancehoch wrote:
Angry Gerbil wrote:Another irregularity: dougal4chaos is currently alive in 48 active games as a freemium. How can that be?

A. Gerbil

He may have had premium and let it expire. Any games that you are in at that point, you can continue. You just cannot join more games until you are below the 4 game limit. He may just be letting these games wind down so that he gets more time for his money when he rebuys.

I think you may be right about the expired membership.
Still I my accusation stands, these guys are at the very least a secret alliance in games they play together. They should be announcing their alliance in these games before anyones first move or better yet setting up team games together instead of standard. Due to their past actions they should be blocked blocked from playing in games together and their scores adjusted accordingly.
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Re: dougal4chaos & hatterson accused

Postby Angry Gerbil on Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:05 pm

It appears that rule # 2 has been changed from no secret alliances to "No secret diplomacy". I still believe dougal4chaos & hatterson have an ongoing secret alliance, however whether or not they are conducting "secret diplomacy" is much less apparent. Since secret alliances are no longer against the rules the point is moot and I hereby withdraw my accusation.

A. Gerbil
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Re: dougal4chaos & hatterson accused

Postby lancehoch on Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:10 pm

Angry Gerbil wrote:It appears that rule # 2 has been changed from no secret alliances to "No secret diplomacy". I still believe dougal4chaos & hatterson have an ongoing secret alliance, however whether or not they are conducting "secret diplomacy" is much less apparent. Since secret alliances are no longer against the rules the point is moot and I hereby withdraw my accusation.

A. Gerbil

Secret alliances are still against the rules. The new rule just makes it more explicit. Before, some people would negotiate their treaties via PMs or IM or whatever. Now it all must be done in game chat.
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