The accused are suspected of:
- Being Multis
Game number(s):
Tim and Erdem show the classic signs of being multis. They always begin and end their turns at the same time.
One of them waits to deploy his troops until the other one is attacking, and then deploys troops dependent on whether or not the attack was successful enabling the other account to continue attack (Extremely effective in eliminating players) Their location is also the same.
Evidence: Little things like this "2008-03-29 18:41:32 - tim02: gl
2008-03-29 18:41:41 - Erdem559: gl" and "2008-04-01 13:42:28 - Erdem559 receives 3 armies for holding ? - 2008-04-01 13:42:37 - tim02 receives 3 armies for holding ?" make you wonder.
All of their actions happen within seconds of each other, even if coordinated over the phone I think it wouldn't be possible to be that close.