by Fruitcake on Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:07 am
Staggering stuff.
Just for the record, JR has played alongside me 7 times in doubles (1 still going, 6 wins). Against me, in triples, the record is 6 finished (even 3 wins each) 3 triples ongoing, 2 against, 1 alongside, waiting on 6 further games where we have teamed up.
You know something, this is how the game is played. You stick your name up, or you add to a list, you then play whoever is there...simple really.
Now let us take a quick gander at you Firthy, me old mucker, me old china...and who shall we pick perchance....oh look 0ojakeo0...
Now there's some stats to make a person sit up of a morning while casually looking through things and having a sweet hot cuppa...isn't it firthy old chap.
95 games played....many as a team...however...m'lud...there are many many games when you are in opposition, when one or other of you why would that be??
To make matters worse, you and said player also have a record of playing one on ones against each other. One also notices, this 'partnership' struck up after just 2 games, one 0ojakeo0 wins, then one you win (in opposition to his team...) then off you go together as a doubles partnership...until lo and behold, you suddenley start playing assassin games...within 6 multi player games you have won 3 with 0ojakeo0 in opposition...oddly, but seamlessly, you then play 2 games of 1v1 with him, where he wins....perish the thought you would be passing back some points then me old china?
You then return to the assassin games, where your erstwhile partner wins, then you both hit a flat spot, with neither winning...I would love to see your private conversations at this point, but this is not germaine to my report.
Things become becalmed for a you two carry on in team games, pretty much swanning hit back at the assassin games and the terminator games...oh win one, within a game, 0ojakeo0 wins one, then a gap, then you win 2 and so does 0ojakeo0...these are multi player games we are talking about reader...not team...some with good points pick ups...
And so you two finally settle again into team games with the odd huge tourno game betwixt and between.
I have to say on the evidence above, not only would I never put my name to any multi games you were playing, but I would have thought the mods had a little snooping to do wouldn't you....m'lud.
Nuff said methinks
Due to current economic conditions the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off