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Postby GabonX on Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:26 am

Back this up a second... This is wilderbeast related? Didn't I complain about him a while back??

My thread just kind of disapeared into nothingness. Nobody from the site ever did answer the question of whether or not it is ok for two people to share a premium account...

Now we see that wilderbeast's "room mates" had a secret alliance, or suspicious play at the very least.

Funny how Trust only became premium after wilderbeast was driven away from the site. Maybe the mods should consider the possibility that all of these accounts are from one person. Someone wrote that only the premium account wins games when these accounts play together. This would make it look an awful lot like the wilderbeast issue was generated by one person with an active imagination...
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Postby GabonX on Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:30 am

It occured to me that my last post might be repeating what everyone already knows. If someone want's to some up what has happened here in a PM or to post it here I would appreciate it as I have looked back through the thread and am lost.
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Postby KLOBBER on Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:27 am

Anarkistsdream wrote:
KLOBBER wrote:Here's a good one from wicked:

"This thread has served it's purpose and is now locked."

It's spelled, "its" when it's the possessive form of "it," and it's spelled "it's" when it's the contraction of "it is." The above is not a contraction of "it is," and so it should be spelled, "its."


And we care because....?

You obviously care enough to respond.
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