Conquer Club

Canadian Plot [noted]

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Canadian Plot [noted]

Postby tekamolu on Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:00 am

Subject line: <Blackriver and TheShape>

These are suspected Secret Alliance

Suspect users: <Blackriver and TheShape>

Game number:

Comments: <Please, check entire game log and is going to be pretty easy to grasp that after round 9, dark blue - Blackriver - and yellow - TheShape are in cahoots to overtake light blue - tekamolu. I just wanted to play a fair game...I hope the CC-server guys be able to intervene and call out that foul alliance>

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Postby sully800 on Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:11 pm

It seems like you and blue had been battling each other consistently and then you got to be the strongest player in the game. Yellow turned attention against you and blue never gave up the original attack. I think the complaint is that yellow needed to worry about blue, but since yellow won the strategy seemed to work. Blue should have switched to attacking yellow earlier, but was probably mad from your earlier attacks.

In any case, we need to see evidence from multiple games to prove a secret alliance. Otherwise this was probably just an isolated incident of attacks against you and not actually an alliance.
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