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cheating? [no form]

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cheating? [no form]

Postby rumgooma on Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:29 am

I believe that the players, Zimmler and Lunchbox are working together in Standard, fog games. Virtually every game that they play in this format ends up with one of them winning.
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Postby lancehoch on Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:14 am

rumgooma, you need to use the form. Then the mods will deal with it. Best thing to do is copy and paste from the other page, then edit your first post. The button on the top right corner of your post lets you edit it.
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quick to point the finger

Postby Zimmler on Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:16 am

I don't appreciate this accusation. three of those game he wants looked up are private games between friends. the total is 5 and 3 of those are private games between friends. If I've done anything wrong please let me know. If you look up all the game we've finished (not including 1 vs. 1 or team matches) the you will see that there are 10. 4 of those were won by people other than ourselves and one was a private game. Lunchbox737 has won 2 and one of those was private. I have won 4 and two of those were private. If this is suspicious then let me know and I'll try to please the rules you think I have broken.
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:43 am

I dont think they are multis but you need to fill out a form if you believe they have a secret alliance or leave feedback.
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Postby lunchbox737 on Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:07 pm

Yes me and Zimmler are friends and play in many of the same games, but we play honest. Rum appears to be a very sore loser, in one game that zimmler is doing well in, looks like he might win it. Rum I guess wanted me to split up my forces and attack Zimmler instead of keeping most of my armies in my castle and sending a small force to take the near village. Oh and the fortification type was adjacent, so if I sent my armies to far out my castle was toast. Sorry Rum I'm not going to play dumb because you are loseing. Maybe you should do a little more research before you start throwing accusations around, many of the games me and Zimm play on are private and everyone in those games knows who everyone is in real life.
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