These are suspected of secret alliance. Suspect users are Sparkles56 and Wardog1.
These two are shameless cheaters that have not only made an obvious alliance, but have denied it upon being confronted. Sparkles56 held Rhovanion while wardog1 held Rhun. Sparkles fortified Rhovanion borders with alot of armies on the countries bordered by remus and hookshotwillaby (Emyn Muil and Dagorland) but only ONE ARMY on Ered Lithui which was bordered by wardog1 in Rhun where he had 3 men. And of course on his next turn, wardog1 didnt bother to defeat that one little army and break Sparkles56 hold on one of the biggest regions on the Middle Earth map. Way too obvious and quite disguting to play the rest of the game after this was apparent.