Conquer Club

djulic & wolfgang007 [cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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djulic & wolfgang007 [cleared]

Postby HolyJihadBatman on Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:16 am

This is a suspected multi: djulic & wolfgang007.

Game number: numerous (playing together)

My playing partner suspected this was one player because of the nature of the fortifications. These 2 players, djulic and wolfgang007, were able to pass ridiculous forts to each other - things you just wouldn't do unless you were sure you personally were playing the next turn (coz no-one can really trust a partner to show up).

It has given this guy djulic a ridiculous advantage in his games - hence he is already Captain after only a comparatively few number of games.

Look at the 'Feedback Left' by each of these players and you can see it is written by the same hand.

When he was challenged about it (he made a mistake and accidentally wrote while logged in as the other player, ha!) he said "Oh, I'm playing for my wife. She is wolfgang007 but I'm taking her turn"

This is complete BS and, as the feedback shows, this djulic and wolfgang007 are always the same person and this has given them an advantage over all of us who play fairly.

Book him Danno !
Sergeant 1st Class HolyJihadBatman
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:27 pm

Postby sully800 on Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:26 am

There are many well coordinated teams out there who play with the same partner all the time. Trusting your partner is certainly not a sign of being a multi.

They don't appear to be multis based on my investigation, and they only play team games so there is no chance of a secret alliance. They seem to be doing everything that we suggest when playing with family members.

djulic & wolfgang007 are cleared
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