Conquer Club

blkvanquish and Chuikov [noted]

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blkvanquish and Chuikov [noted]

Postby Waalitch on Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:39 am

This is suspected secret alliance

Suspected users: blkvanquish and Chuikov



Where are get the idea?

-They didn't shoot any single unit of eachother since 1,5 months, this is when the game started :/
-When I look to Chuikov's other games, I see that blkvanquish is in 3/4 of them and they are playing so friendly against eachother everytime with no alliance is announced.
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Postby hecter on Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:03 am

Use the form that is stickied atop this forum please.
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Postby sully800 on Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:22 pm

They only have three games together, and no one has suspected them of cheating in the other games. I think Chuikov might tend to attack a person for the wrong reasons (not trying to win) as evidenced by this game chat:

2008-01-29 21:55:36 - Chuikov: ... and honestly I really don't care if I win .. taking you out was winning for me!

So perhaps you just got on his bad side for some reason. Overall, without evidence of them helping in each other in at least two games there is not enough to support a block of these players.
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