I was encouraged by the mods (pretty heavily) to "rise from the dead" and post today in the spirit of Halloween - I assume because Town is about to lose and to try to save Town. I was targeted Night 1, saved myself, and then targeted night 2 and killed. How nobody even bothered to consult my Scum list post-death (at least that I've seen after scanning the thread) is pretty baffling.
fusibaseball wrote:There's several players controlling the narrative here - enough players are confirmed Townies that I'm pretty sure 4 of Rag, Loose, PMC, Charle, and Vot are the 4 Scum. Pix and one of you/EW/Kong/Strike/JFM very well could be Scum and I'm probably wrong but I don't really care which of those first 5 get voted today.
JFM was Town Vig. Dev is Town with the vest and EW is Town Mason or whatever. Kong, Pix, and Strike are more borderline but leaning Town - likely one of those 3 is Scum but are not good votes for now.
The other 5 above are at least 3 of the 4 Scum. It is possible all 4 are included in this list.
Ragian is the most obviously Scum and would be the best target today. Everything Charle wrote is accurate. I Vanilla-ise'd Ragian because he is clearly Scum. Everything about misdirecting afterwards is probably a crock of BS as I doubt I was killed AND the Scum partner targeted me to redirect (though it's possible I suppose). So Ragian is a Vanilla for tonight only unless he is lynched prior.
After him, Law is the second most obvious Scum who replaced PMC. Just submarining and hoping to get a free pass until his faction wins.
"Third tier" would be Charle and Vot. At least one is pretty clearly Scum.
And then most helpful to Town out of those 5 would be Loose. Possible could be mixed into the Strike/Pixar/Kong list but has not been cleared on any front (but neither has Pixar I suppose).