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The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone TOWN WINS!

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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby strike wolf on Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:11 am

We're all missing the biggest clue. It's day time and all 13 of us are gathered together in a building. Someone grab the cannons and blow the roof off this place and let's roast the vampires. So I have not really figured out the numbers. May and Might bwhen you add the numbers of their letters and then add the digits down to down to 1 digit=3 (13+1+25=39>3+9=12>1+2=3; 13+9+7+8+20=57>12>3). However, that just feels like going down the wrong path as I have no idea what significance 3 would have. Swine...19+23+9+14+5=70>7. Pearls...16+5+1+18+12+19=71>8. For...6+15+18=30=3. There's 3 again. 3 scum? Pearls for sWine. 7+3+8=18>9. 9 townies? 9 town. 3 scum. 1 3rd party?

Less probably meaningless numbers. The scenes confirm. 2 masons+driver. 6 townfolks gathered (5 townsfolk mentioned earlier
Inconsistency? Maybe the 6th here is the one the Striga is looking for?) So that also looks like 9 townies. A hermit (3rd party? Sk?) So this would feed into the 9 town, 1 3rd party and 3 scum. Have I become as crazy as Son!c yet?

Playing wise, the main argument was between Rag and Vot and I didn't really pick anything up from either of them. Rag seemed to be shaking the tree and Vot was doing his usual angry man shaking fist at everyone else routine. Ragian did Note Fusi's silence which does ring significant to me because one of the key things that Fusi did when we were scum together was basically play absentee and then chime in once in a blue moon to post something that seemed helpful.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby Votanic on Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:44 am

Ragian wrote:
Votanic wrote:
Ragian wrote:Do we have any subs, @Son!c?

Too much flavour for ya?

The amount of flavour is absolutely fine, but my preference lies with mafia rather than escape rooms and to be honest, I fear I won't be able to play this game to the mod's liking. My issue is with me not the game.

So you are fine with the game but you don't think you can play it well?
If that is the case, stick around and try to improve.
But frankly this looks like another case of you trying to say two contradictory statements at the same time.
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby Ragian on Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:17 am

Yes, I'm fine with the game as long as it is mafia, but the Cluedo part of it is not my bag. The mod has ensured that the game I want to play starts D2. Happy days. Hopefully, there's room for improvement for even the best of us.
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby pmchugh on Sat Sep 28, 2024 3:40 pm

Fusi, fusi, where art thou Fusi
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby Votanic on Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:45 pm

pmchugh wrote:Fusi, fusi, where art thou Fusi

In his coffin, sleeping a deathless sleep?

Maybe the striga isn't allowed to have any day actions.
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby strike wolf on Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:42 pm

Early Day post restriction against scum would be pretty bastard. That said, hey son!c. Can we have this town meeting take place outside in the sunlight?
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby Votanic on Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:23 pm

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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby SoN!c on Sun Sep 29, 2024 3:35 am

strike wolf wrote:Early Day post restriction against scum would be pretty bastard. That said, hey son!c. Can we have this town meeting take place outside in the sunlight?

Sure you can, but remember ""The Masons and their bodyguard arrive back at city hall to regroup and rethink their strategy, and after a hastily contingency plan deliberation the 6 brave Townsman (5 + the priest) were summoned there too."

It's just the 3 masons and 6 town who are in City Hall currently.

And for those who wanna give the skeleton key another crack while speaking of "There's 3 again" :

"13 may 1604" (consists of 3 parts)

1604 = (2 Ɨ 2 Ɨ 401)

with (2 Ɨ 2 Ɨ 401) = 3 numbers - with again 401 by itself a 3 digit number - so we have 3+3+3 (=9) - with "3" an important game number" - and this sequence of 3 numbers (2 Ɨ 2 Ɨ 401) is separated with 2 "X"

In mysticism, as referring to both life and death, this symbol X, or marker, can also be understood as a ā€œcrossing overā€ : a transcendence or transformation.

It can also be read as:




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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby Charle on Sun Sep 29, 2024 7:01 am

Lots to read and I have family visiting this weekend. Will be more active from D2 if I am still alive though.
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby fusibaseball on Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:28 am

pmchugh wrote:Fusi, fusi, where art thou Fusi

I'm here and reading along. Just trying to keep up with all the flavor :D
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby Ragian on Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:39 am

I think we need to define what flavour is ;)

Any thoughts so far, Fusi?
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby SoN!c on Sun Sep 29, 2024 11:22 am

Ragian wrote:I think we need to define what flavour is ;)

Any thoughts so far, Fusi?

"Flavor is the "decoration" or theme that goes on a role or game in Mafia.

In some games, flavor may be relevant to the game. In that case, it should be balanced like any other game mechanic."

Yes, this is a lit christmas tree decoration wise but its role madness multiball.. like the vampire dance ball movie scene Vot posted. The "van Helsing" dracula movie had a similar dance ball.

Deadline is just 12 hours out and then the D1 flavor cluedo story telling intro is over and this game really starts.
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Sep 29, 2024 12:04 pm

yeah a lynch is not going to happen
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby Votanic on Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:18 pm

Extreme Ways wrote:yeah a lynch is not going to happen

It would have only been a randwagon, ...or worse.
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby pmchugh on Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:57 am

Votanic wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:yeah a lynch is not going to happen

It would have only been a randwagon, ...or worse.

Or worse is good actually.
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby SoN!c on Mon Sep 30, 2024 4:05 am

D1 closing story

Back in City Hall.

While a soft glowing twilight in the sky was still visible, with the sun already below the horizon; and the dark portion of the Moon already glowing ominous, Lord Winston from the Masonic Order speaks up:


Dear gentlemen,

As it seems 16 years ago three of our brothers who ventured deep in the woods ended up badly, we have to assume two of them were killed and the third, who went in exile after, lives too remote to go search him. He still may or may not help us but we cannot count on that to happen, for now anyways.

So we have decided that our best chance to kill this unholy striga is to make it come to us, placing a trap here in City Hall while we also prepare our best weapon elsewhere.

This is why we have decided to hand out as much of our Masonic weapons as we can. The more hands wielding these weapons, the more chance we have killing this Vampire Warlock.


Lord Mobrey then takes the floor


Lord Mobrey starts to place all sorts of Masonic weapons on the table; a silver protective vest, a phial made of rock crystal containing holy water, a silver plated double barrel shotgun with silver slugs, masonic power amulets, a strange looking silver box, and lastly a VERY LARGE SILVER COMMUNITY SWORD..

Lord Mobrey explains that the VERY LARGE SILVER COMMUNITY SWORD will have to be polished first under a full moon before it powers can be used.


Lord Winston continues:
so that is why i will leave the Masonic (aXe) here and take the shotgun with me, as myself and Lord Mobrey will have to go out and polish the sword under open skies while performing some time consuming rituals and prayers. But fear not, our Masonic bodyguard-sergeant will stay here to coordinate the trap.
Let him explain.


The Masonic Bodyguard stands up, takes a good swig of his whiskey and starts to speak:

Good Brothers, i also hold a Masonic trap device, so while our good Lords risk their lives in an open field at the edge of town we will barricade City Hall and lure the Striga here, so the Lords are safe in the fields there and we hopefully may capture that thing in our trap here.
The strange box you see on the table holds Striga Lure. Once opened we can use it one time to lure the Striga towards us. We will have to use it tonight to make sure the sword gets polished. I also hold a Masonic trap-device, however, setting this ratchet device up takes a lot of time to prepare and it is unclear if we manage to set it up tonight but we will bloody try. If our Lords need help, they will signal and i will go out to come to their aid. However, all six of you have to stay here with focus on the lure. Those having received power amulets, make sure you understand how they work and use them at your own discretion.

So this striga lure will be set here in the City Hall Grand Meeting Room, because we have to make sure the Striga comes here and does not attack our Lords in the open fields. We are the decoy sort of speak. The plan is simple: the priest will hide in the large mahogany wall cabinet holding the Masonic vial of Holy Water. As soon the Striga arrives in this room he will have to throw the vial at it, then we finish it off with the (aXe). Some of us will take watch duty while others sleep in the upper rooms, ofcourse with doors locked firm from the inside. Any questions?

IT IS NOW N1 - no more posting until D2 IS ANNOUNCED!

You may send in your night actions
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby SoN!c on Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:59 am

Night 1 short opening story (no more stories D2 and onwards as from D2 onwards the players write the story!):

By the time our Mason Lords arrived on horseback at the town windmill to polish the VERY LARGE COMMUNITY SWORD , located some 6 miles out of town, a spot they chose because of its elevated position, the clouds cleared and A FULL SUPERMOON became visible under the black night sky, just like predicted it would happen today on the 13th of may.

The light from the moon was so strong it looked like the entire town was lit up with street lamps.

And in that light, the STRIGA VAMPIRE, count Giure GRANDO Stregone, in his vampire shape, was walking slowly towards City Hall sniffing something that lured him there.

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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby SoN!c on Tue Oct 01, 2024 2:32 pm

N1 follow up story:

Arrived at front of City Hall, the Striga Vampire saw a small window that was left opened in the attic and shape-shifts into a bat to enter it. Once inside, making use of the old ventilation system, the striga quickly found his way to the upper floors.

From above, the striga's evil eye noticed the grand meeting room hall and the priest who was hiding in the large mahogany wall cabinet because he could see the body heat in that closet.. So he Striga smiled and turned away, walking in the direction of the first floor landing before stopping in front of a bedroom. The striga clearly senses something but does not make any attempt to enter that bedroom. It waits and then It just knocks three times on that door, before quickly walking away back to the next upper floor.

On the second upper floor, back into in the direction of the attic he entered City Hall, the striga shape-shifts into a spider and creeps into a locked bedroom. It's the bedroom of Trafalgarlaw01. Law is deep asleep. The striga stands right besides him, pointing his right index finger towards Law's neck. While deep asleep, Traf senses something in his room and wakes up..

Just to see a dark spooky shadow standing bent over him. Traf panics and wants to scream for help. And just when you think it's too late; and the striga will slice Traf's neck wide open with his sharp long fingernail, a dark shadow bursts into the room through the window. And immediately those two creatures start to fight each other to the death.

In that unholy fight Law's neck receives a sharp swipe slashing his neck completely over, splattering his blood against the walls..

Trafalgarlaw01 town 2 shot Flavor Cop, 1 shot cop on 3rd night, 3 shot Parrot has died!

Both creatures keep slashing at each other and scream before a townie rushes in the room to come to Traf's aid. Little does he know Traf is already dead. But all alone against two unholy creatures is no fight. The townie receives a big blow, it happens so fast he can't even tell for sure which creature delivered it but that swing splatters his silver protective vest wide open and knocks him out..

Hereafter the first creature of the night escapes and the other quickly follows..

The rest of the town (those who are in City Hall) rush in but arrive way too late. One of them later describes he thinks the creature he saw escaping last looked like this:

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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby SoN!c on Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:03 pm

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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby SoN!c on Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:15 pm

Game mechanics unveiled

As promised:

"13 may 11" means "13 players may be 11 townies" (at the moment of posting it = D1)

2 = scum faction 1
2 = scum faction 2

401 (3 digits = meaning 3 convertions (besides other 3's), one in the past, one in the present, one in the future)
4 = 4 Masons D1
0= symbolises Ordinary town
1= that other guy

x = X and symbolises Full Moon

(2+2+4+0+1 = 9, the number of the fellowship)

so we are playing Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy again but this time in a crazy vampire dance multiball
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby kongming3 on Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:23 pm

Not 100% sure what to make of all that, but I'm assuming Traf got killed by one of the evil factions and the other potential victim was protected/had a second life of some sort. The conversions thing seems very alarming to have in a game where there's already two scum factions at work. I'd imagine the past one is just the previous mason or something similar, the present one might mean there was one tonight, and the future means they get one more maybe? Would all seem very strong if that's the case.

@SoN!c, is there an order in which abilities take place? As in if someone was theoretically converted, would that happen before or after other night actions?
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby kongming3 on Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:24 pm

Not 100% sure what to make of all that, but I'm assuming Traf got killed by one of the evil factions and the other potential victim was protected/had a second life of some sort. The conversions thing seems very alarming to have in a game where there's already two scum factions at work. I'd imagine the past one is just the previous mason or something similar, the present one might mean there was one tonight, and the future means they get one more maybe? Would all seem very strong if that's the case.

@SoN!c, is there an order in which abilities take place? As in if someone was theoretically converted, would that happen before or after other night actions?
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby SoN!c on Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:25 pm

Keep playing Fan-Tan boys (by placing two on a board and guessing the remaining Count when divided by four), because the world is coming to an end!

placing two on a board = hint

guessing the remaining Count = hint

when divided by four = hint - 4 masons holding something that will devide scum in half when swinged properly :D

(everything that was posted D1 were hints or clues or stories)
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby SoN!c on Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:28 pm

kongming3 wrote:@SoN!c, is there an order in which abilities take place? As in if someone was theoretically converted, would that happen before or after other night actions?

Past convertion = predesigned (already happened)

Current convertion = whenever count Grando uses that current power ingame (and when he is allowed to)

Future convertion = predesigned (happening on the predesigned moment )
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Re: The unholy story of Count Giure "Grando" Stregone

Postby kongming3 on Tue Oct 01, 2024 3:43 pm

With that in mind, I will share publicly that I received a note last night which I'm sharing on behalf of a trusted source - As of last night at least, both Extreme Ways and Strike Wolf are guaranteed to be town-aligned.
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