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Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
Ragian wrote:Votanic wrote:Ragian wrote:Do we have any subs, @Son!c?
Too much flavour for ya?
The amount of flavour is absolutely fine, but my preference lies with mafia rather than escape rooms and to be honest, I fear I won't be able to play this game to the mod's liking. My issue is with me not the game.
pmchugh wrote:Fusi, fusi, where art thou Fusi
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
strike wolf wrote:Early Day post restriction against scum would be pretty bastard. That said, hey son!c. Can we have this town meeting take place outside in the sunlight?
pmchugh wrote:Fusi, fusi, where art thou Fusi
Ragian wrote:I think we need to define what flavour is![]()
Any thoughts so far, Fusi?
Extreme Ways wrote:yeah a lynch is not going to happen
Votanic wrote:Extreme Ways wrote:yeah a lynch is not going to happen
It would have only been a randwagon, ...or worse.
Dear gentlemen,
As it seems 16 years ago three of our brothers who ventured deep in the woods ended up badly, we have to assume two of them were killed and the third, who went in exile after, lives too remote to go search him. He still may or may not help us but we cannot count on that to happen, for now anyways.
So we have decided that our best chance to kill this unholy striga is to make it come to us, placing a trap here in City Hall while we also prepare our best weapon elsewhere.
This is why we have decided to hand out as much of our Masonic weapons as we can. The more hands wielding these weapons, the more chance we have killing this Vampire Warlock.
so that is why i will leave the Masonic (aXe) here and take the shotgun with me, as myself and Lord Mobrey will have to go out and polish the sword under open skies while performing some time consuming rituals and prayers. But fear not, our Masonic bodyguard-sergeant will stay here to coordinate the trap.
Let him explain.
Good Brothers, i also hold a Masonic trap device, so while our good Lords risk their lives in an open field at the edge of town we will barricade City Hall and lure the Striga here, so the Lords are safe in the fields there and we hopefully may capture that thing in our trap here.
The strange box you see on the table holds Striga Lure. Once opened we can use it one time to lure the Striga towards us. We will have to use it tonight to make sure the sword gets polished. I also hold a Masonic trap-device, however, setting this ratchet device up takes a lot of time to prepare and it is unclear if we manage to set it up tonight but we will bloody try. If our Lords need help, they will signal and i will go out to come to their aid. However, all six of you have to stay here with focus on the lure. Those having received power amulets, make sure you understand how they work and use them at your own discretion.
So this striga lure will be set here in the City Hall Grand Meeting Room, because we have to make sure the Striga comes here and does not attack our Lords in the open fields. We are the decoy sort of speak. The plan is simple: the priest will hide in the large mahogany wall cabinet holding the Masonic vial of Holy Water. As soon the Striga arrives in this room he will have to throw the vial at it, then we finish it off with the (aXe). Some of us will take watch duty while others sleep in the upper rooms, ofcourse with doors locked firm from the inside. Any questions?
Keep playing Fan-Tan boys (by placing two on a board and guessing the remaining Count when divided by four), because the world is coming to an end!
kongming3 wrote:@SoN!c, is there an order in which abilities take place? As in if someone was theoretically converted, would that happen before or after other night actions?
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