Mine comes with a free Mr Benn story all about you!
It was another quite morning in Festive Road, in number 52 Mr Benn thought he heard some shouting and he looked out his window. He saw who where shouting: Andy, Ian, Gimil and Oak where arguing over a game of Risk. Mr Benn watched for awhile and then decided to go for a walk, Mr Benn was on his way to the special costume shop, the shop which adventures could start from. In the shop he stood and looked at the costumes for awhile, and at once saw the one he wanted! As if by magic the shopkeeper appeared.
'Good morning' he said, 'would you like to try on the conquer club merchandise sir?'
Mr Benn said he would love to; and taking the CC clothes he went to the door in the corner of the shop, the door to the fitting room. Once in the room he changed from his own clothes:
He did not spend a long time looking at himself but turned to the other door in the fitting room, the one that could start adventures, Mr Benn walked through the door wondering if he would appear on a Risk board.
He found himself in a hallway with doors leading off only one stood open; the name above it said drafting room. When he entered he saw a large room filled with people at desks drawing. Mr Benn was given a sheet of paper and made to sit down at a desk and told to plan his map, and when he had a completed plan to report to the monkey (who looked quite familiar although Mr Benn could not place him) to get sent through to the next room. As he watched a steady stream of people left their desks and approached the alpha monkey with their ideas. Most ideas where thrown onto the large pile of discarded ideas, their designers forced to return to their desks where they where given more paper and had to start again. Mr Benn was not sure what to draw, so sat watching the goings on around him, suddenly his attention was seized by a man being drag away from the monkey back to his desk, as he was he shouted back
'What about a map of Europe?'
Mr Benn thought this was a great idea and started to draw at once. Soon he had a completed draft and cautiously approached the monkey, who after criticising the fact that it was another Europe map grudgingly let him through to the next room: a massive foundry filled with computer workstations. Here he was escorted to a vacant computer and told to get on with it. Once again a familiar monkey was sitting at the front of the room. After many comments from the other users in the room the monkey pointed him out to proceed to the 'final forge' room where Mr Benn was shown to another computer desk, then many people crowded round him and pointed out every tiny little problem with the map. Eventually he was told after many hours of labouring over the corrections for them the monkey appear and gestured Mr Benn through the door labeled the quenching room. And just as he expected he found he had step back into the fitting room in the shop. He took a last look at him self in his CC clothes them changed back into his own. Back in the shop Mr Benn returned the clothes, you're a good moderating monkey he said to the shopkeeper.
'We can all do something' smiled the man.
Mr Benn was about to go when he remembered he still had the intensity cubes.
'I nearly forgot' he said.
'That's all right' said the man, 'perhaps you would like to keep them.'
'Thank you' said Mr Benn.
Back in Festive Road everything was quite with everyone going about their business; there was just one group of children playing risk on a very familiar European based risk board. At the door to 52 Mr Benn took the intensity cubes out of his pocket and thought of the shopkeeper, 'how kind' he thought 'that's just what I needed to help me remember.'
shame the avatar had to be so small or you would no doubt recognise your England map on his T-Shirt.