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New XML Help Topic

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New XML Help Topic

Postby lgoasklucyl on Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:20 pm

As if there weren't enough already :lol:

I'm really starting to get into the foundry process and am interesting in learning XML (both for myself and anyone else who could need XML help). I've read the tutorials/XML Updates threads and am aware of the XML checker- I just don't know where to start practicing!

Obviously 'practicing' on a map really being quenched isn't an option here- as I have little XML knowledge to begin with and am nowhere near completing a map that would require XML to be written.

What I'm pretty much asking is:
1) Where exactly is the best place to start for learning XML? I've coded entire websites (including sidebars, tables, etc...) in html so tags really aren't anything new.

2) My idea for practicing is make myself a cheap little practice map (practice graphics work also) or maybe even use my map for the Central America comp and write the XML up for it. How would I go about checking to make sure it actually works well? I understand the checker works for coordinates- but what about 1 way tags, bombarding, minreiforce, etc...? Would it be best to consult someone who knows XML well and have them check specifics such as these?

3) The coordinates themselves. What's the best way to determine coordinates? Does a simple mouse-over in photoshop give me usable x,y values or is there some other means to accomplish this?

I know going through the foundry process of trying a map THEN working the XML is probably the best method, but I currently don't have the time or resources and would really like to practice/learn XML at the time being. I have the Central America map I could test with, or I could throw together a practice map to practice everything in the graphics process also.

4) If I created, say, a small practice map and wrote the XML would it be possible for me to post it here (for learning purposes) and have vets of the foundry post comments/critique my XML (and maybe graphics work depending on the time I put into it)? It would be greatly appreciated and add another member to the foundry's active member list who knows XML and intends on creating maps in the future :D

I could even post my version of the map from the CA comp if it doesn't win if that'd be okay. I've put a lot of work into it already and would appreciate more direct comments to help me learn the process better. Plus I could try to write the XML for that and see how it goes.

Anyway, thanks for reading the wall o' text if you sat through it all, and thanks in advance for any helpful comments :)

Looking forward to working with/discussing foundry stuff with you all =)
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Re: New XML Help Topic

Postby MrBenn on Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:00 pm

The first place to look is always going to be the XML Tutorial, which is stickied at the top of the Foundry Discussion forum ;-)
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Re: New XML Help Topic

Postby lgoasklucyl on Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:03 pm

MrBenn wrote:The first place to look is always going to be the XML Tutorial, which is stickied at the top of the Foundry Discussion forum ;-)

Indeed. I've gotten as far as that and even understand pretty much 100% of what is written (all the way through minreinforce codes) based on the html coding I have done. I'm more looking towards how I could go about practicing and whatnot.

Let me just add that the tutorial (as are all of the tutorials in the foundry) are phenomenal :)
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Re: New XML Help Topic

Postby yeti_c on Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:47 pm

Without getting the map into production - the only way to really do it - is via the mapmaker tools...

If you run the "Inspect Map" test - then you will be able to hover over the army numbers to show your connections - also a text map is printed below the map which explains all and any connections...

Any special features are also shown...

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