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Question about the game engine

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Question about the game engine

Postby KiloJKilo on Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:31 pm

Does the system allow for a territory bonus to be awarded conditionally? In other words, can a territory have an army requirement of say...3 in order to get a set bonus of 5? Is this possible? Just to make myself completely clear:

I have a territory that I hold with 2 armies. In order to get a territory bonus, i must hold it with 3 armies at the start of my turn. Not less. Not more. If I fortify it with another army; giving it 3 at the start of my turn (the requirement) i shall be rewarded with a bonus of 5. possible?

I have a great idea for a map but it would rely heavily on this.

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Re: Question about the game engine

Postby fireedud on Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:38 pm

currently, this is not possible, but hopefully soon it might be.
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