This Foundry sub-forum is for maps for which you have created an initial draft and which you intend to continue to work on. If you have an idea for a new map but do not intend on making the map yourself, please post a new topic in the Map Ideas/Suggestions sub-forum.
If you are creating a new map, we suggest that you begin by reading the "How to make a map handbook." Once you are familiar with the process and you have begun work on a new map you are encouraged to start a new topic in here in the Drafting Room.
Posting an Update
When posting updates, please use a new post in your development thread, and include brief details of what you have changed, and any suggestions for continued discussion. This makes it easy for people to follow how the map has developed, and will help you to gain more feedback.
It helps if you can also edit the most recent images and a summary of changes into the first post of your thread, so that people can see at a glance how things have been going.
Your topic and 'stickied' and your map considered an Advanced Draft if it is deemed by the community and the Drafts CA to meet the following criteria:
- The map must be inherently unique either in gameplay, location, or theme.
- Gameplay features must be compatible with the game engines currently usable XML.
- Content must be the original work of the cartographer unless consent to use copyrighted works is gained.
- Sound advice must be followed unless a logical rebuttal by the cartographer or another member of the community is provided.
- The community must show a reasonable amount of interest towards a map.
- The type of image file must be PNG, GIF, or JPEG, and created using some type of graphics software (no hand-drawn scans!); the image hosted using,, or something similar; and the image posted using [bigimg] tags instead of the standard [img] tags .
- The cartographer must agree to the Conquer Club copyright agreement.
- A map must work within the CC map size restrictions.
In order for a map to be stamped as having completed the "Draft" stage and moved on to the Main Foundry it must meet the following conditions:
- The map, first and foremost, must have some sort of clear plan for how production will go, and the individual/s responsible for the creation of the map must be listed in the first post.
- Have a playable image (either large or small map); this should include territory names, a working legend, speculative bonuses, proposed impassable barriers, color, and tentative border divisions. It doesn't have to be perfect, but if the map were quenched today people should be able to play on it.
- The working image needs to be done in some kind of graphics application and be beyond rough draft state. A minimum of two quality updates must be provided.
- Have honest and interested discussion involving members of the Foundry community. Not just you and three friends.
- The first post should include any information relevant to how this map will play, including (but not limited to) proposed starting neutral locations and values, victory conditions, unique play features, etc. Do not include every old version of the map in the first post - some of us don't have large displays and fast downloads. If you want us to have access to old versions, links will suffice.
If your map thread sits around in the Drafting Room for over a month without an update, it will be considered
abandoned and moved to the Scrap Heap (from which it can re-emerge at your request).
Now, get started!