The Atlas Forum to be same level as Beta Forum

Hey guys and girls,
I found tracking down the threads for established maps difficult. I ended up finding what I was after via, and then searched the forum tree to discover that the "The Atlas" forum is a sub forum of "Beta". Having quenched maps in a sub forum Beta is not intuitive at all.
I suggest moving the The Atlas sub forum to the same level as the beta and drafting room sub forum, so the trees are like this:
Board index ‹ Conquer Club ‹ Map Foundry ‹ Drafting Room
Board index ‹ Conquer Club ‹ Map Foundry ‹ Beta Maps
Board index ‹ Conquer Club ‹ Map Foundry ‹ The Atlas
I found tracking down the threads for established maps difficult. I ended up finding what I was after via, and then searched the forum tree to discover that the "The Atlas" forum is a sub forum of "Beta". Having quenched maps in a sub forum Beta is not intuitive at all.
I suggest moving the The Atlas sub forum to the same level as the beta and drafting room sub forum, so the trees are like this:
Board index ‹ Conquer Club ‹ Map Foundry ‹ Drafting Room
Board index ‹ Conquer Club ‹ Map Foundry ‹ Beta Maps
Board index ‹ Conquer Club ‹ Map Foundry ‹ The Atlas