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Why are we not quenching?

Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:33 pm
by Butters1919
Any reason why the stall in the final forge on so many maps? Not that it's a huge deal, but it does seem a bit odd.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:41 am
by Dukasaur
Butters1919 wrote:Any reason why the stall in the final forge on so many maps? Not that it's a huge deal, but it does seem a bit odd.
It is rapidly becoming a tragedy.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:51 am
by Butters1919
Dukasaur wrote:It is rapidly becoming a tragedy.
Perhaps we need a more dedicated foreman? Or is the bottleneck higher up?
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:36 pm
by RedBaron0
It's a lot of things, but there are things I can control and work on. I just need to focus more on those things I can do rather than that which I cannot.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:02 pm
by Butters1919
Yay! A quench…
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:33 pm
by sempaispellcheck
On the bright side, waiting to quench maps gives people more time to get unique defeats on them for their beta medal.
Just saying.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:31 pm
by owenshooter
sempaispellcheck wrote:On the bright side, waiting to quench maps gives people more time to get unique defeats on them for their beta medal.
Just saying.
maybe those long delays should also be used to weed out the duds like Africa II (horrible map), Temple of Gin (had to be made when someone was drunk, hence GIN), Promontory Summit (a horrible Price is Right rip off) and Slovakia (does anyone understand the borders, colour schemes, etc?)... such a glut of bad maps that i believe is contributing to the decline of CC... perhaps the prior arrogance of the old Foundry (heard this is a new day for this area... again...) that ran off regular members in droves, that tried to participate in map making, is finally coming home to roost... i think you guys should be consolidating the immense number of maps we have into groups... CLASSIC, ADVANCED, SPEED, 1v1's, TRENCH, SHIT FESTS.... forgive me for my bluntness, i am old and cranky and just woke up from a nap...-Jésus noir
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Fri Feb 13, 2015 9:19 pm
by Serbia
owenshooter wrote:sempaispellcheck wrote:On the bright side, waiting to quench maps gives people more time to get unique defeats on them for their beta medal.
Just saying.
maybe those long delays should also be used to weed out the duds like Africa II (horrible map), Temple of Gin (had to be made when someone was drunk, hence GIN), Promontory Summit (a horrible Price is Right rip off) and Slovakia (does anyone understand the borders, colour schemes, etc?)... such a glut of bad maps that i believe is contributing to the decline of CC... perhaps the prior arrogance of the old Foundry (heard this is a new day for this area... again...) that ran off regular members in droves, that tried to participate in map making, is finally coming home to roost... i think you guys should be consolidating the immense number of maps we have into groups... CLASSIC, ADVANCED, SPEED, 1v1's, TRENCH, SHIT FESTS.... forgive me for my bluntness, i am old and cranky and just woke up from a nap...-Jésus noir
Site doesn't need new maps. Site needs a competent sorting tool for the maps currently in existence. And get rid of some of the ridiculous ones.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:38 am
by Endgame422
Damn Owen.
You are cranky.
You don't like the maps?
Dont play them.
Your right about a sorting system, but why you gotta hate on people who put their time and energy into making something that many people here enjoy?
Serbia might be correct that we don't NEED any more maps but people like to make them and some people appreciate them.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:47 am
by ronsizzle
i agree with owen
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:43 am
by Oneyed
"Why are we not quenching?"
because there is a little (almost no) interest in Map foundry.
because what CC needs more as new maps is any sorting of old ones. and maybe some old maps could be kicked off. some of them are realy awful, without good graphic, without good gameplay, most of them was not designated for more as 8 players...
there are also too much settings of game (5 types of spoils, 5 types of reinforcements) and it is harder to do map "good" for all settings.
so what CC needs the most? change from quantity to quality. any deal with too much maps. new rules in map making process.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:08 am
by Dukasaur
owenshooter wrote:sempaispellcheck wrote:On the bright side, waiting to quench maps gives people more time to get unique defeats on them for their beta medal.
Just saying.
maybe those long delays should also be used to weed out the duds like Africa II (horrible map), Temple of Gin (had to be made when someone was drunk, hence GIN), Promontory Summit (a horrible Price is Right rip off) and Slovakia (does anyone understand the borders, colour schemes, etc?)... such a glut of bad maps that i believe is contributing to the decline of CC... perhaps the prior arrogance of the old Foundry (heard this is a new day for this area... again...) that ran off regular members in droves, that tried to participate in map making, is finally coming home to roost... i think you guys should be consolidating the immense number of maps we have into groups... CLASSIC, ADVANCED, SPEED, 1v1's, TRENCH, SHIT FESTS.... forgive me for my bluntness, i am old and cranky and just woke up from a nap...-Jésus noir
Funny, but I think those are all very good maps. Africa II is pure artistic beauty, with all its bright vivid colours. I could hang it on my wall. Temple of Jin I don't play, because it's too big for my small screen size, but I recognise that for people with the big new monitors that are out there it would be great. Promo summit is fun. Not only is it the first specifically 1v1 map on the site, with a very unique gameplay, but the graphics are very reminiscent of Railway Tycoon. About as close as you could get without actual plagiarism. Speaking as someone who played Railway Tycoon for years, I really enjoy the nostalgic tribute. Slovakia, difficult to understand? Only if you're being deliberately obtuse. Every town is identified with the flag of the province it belongs to. Collect three of the same flag and you hold the whole province. What could be more obvious than that?
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:46 am
by Donelladan
Every town is identified with the flag of the province it belongs to. Collect three of the same flag and you hold the whole province. What could be more obvious than that?
Simply that the regions with same flag had the same color ?
Look at the Baltic State map. This is perfect. Every bonus you can understand at first glance.
Now I also like very complicated map like Krazy Kingdoms. Impossible to understand without spending at least 10 minutes reading all legends and even after that not so clear.
But the Slovakia map has not easy graphic for no reason. It could be like the Baltic State map. The Krazy Kingdom map can't be easy because bonus structure and connection are specific to the map. Slovakia is not easy to understand for beauty of the background?
Also the font of slovakia has different colours making it a bit more confusing.
Sure I understood the Slovakia map way faster than the Krazy Kingdom or Temple of Jinn. But still Slovakia could be easier and imo, should be.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:53 am
by owenshooter
this is the most input from the general public within this forum in the past few years... I AM SHOCKED.. yes, a sorting system... for sure... and i you put that horrible summit map in a 1v1 section with stuff like doodle earth, i think it would be WONDERFUL... just keep me from having to look at the POS... anyway... new maps are not need, a sorting of the flowers and clearing of the weeds is in order...-Jésus noir
p.s.-sorry Duk, that africa II game play is a cluster f*ck and did nothing to improve on the original map, other than graphics...
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:31 pm
by Oneyed
DiM is realy good mapmaker, but Slovakia map is realy awful.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:40 pm
by owenshooter
Dukasaur wrote:Funny, but I think those are all very good maps. Africa II is pure artistic beauty, with all its bright vivid colours. I could hang it on my wall.
really? sand brown and green are bright and vivid to you? man, we have totally different ideas of art to hang on walls... ha!!-Jn
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:25 pm
by Oneyed
guys, everybody who complain (or asks why) that no maps are quenched is welcome in Map foundry, so visit it and leave post there. I see tons of topics about everything but no related to maps...
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:33 pm
by Dukasaur
owenshooter wrote:Dukasaur wrote:Funny, but I think those are all very good maps. Africa II is pure artistic beauty, with all its bright vivid colours. I could hang it on my wall.
really? sand brown and green are bright and vivid to you? man, we have totally different ideas of art to hang on walls... ha!!-Jn
The sand and green portray well the two main natural ecosystems of Africa, the deserts and the forests. The desert looks very desolate, and the forest looks very thick and rich and teeming with life. The psychedelic glow around the various animals brings me back to a better time.
There's only so much you can do at the resolutions required, and I think these artists have done it.
Furthermore, it is a big improvement in gameplay over the original Africa map. The original is just a slugfest, everything connects to everything, and there's no real strategy except the inherent numbers games on other similar maps. Africa II actually introduces some bottlenecks and some strategic depth.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:59 pm
by owenshooter
Dukasaur wrote:owenshooter wrote:Dukasaur wrote:Funny, but I think those are all very good maps. Africa II is pure artistic beauty, with all its bright vivid colours. I could hang it on my wall.
really? sand brown and green are bright and vivid to you? man, we have totally different ideas of art to hang on walls... ha!!-Jn
The sand and green portray well the two main natural ecosystems of Africa, the deserts and the forests. The desert looks very desolate, and the forest looks very thick and rich and teeming with life. The psychedelic glow around the various animals brings me back to a better time.
There's only so much you can do at the resolutions required, and I think these artists have done it.
Furthermore, it is a big improvement in gameplay over the original Africa map. The original is just a slugfest, everything connects to everything, and there's no real strategy except the inherent numbers games on other similar maps. Africa II actually introduces some bottlenecks and some strategic depth.
we are at polar ends concerning this map... wow... to each his own...-Jésus noir
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:43 pm
by ManBungalow
I think Africa II and Slovakia both look great, but have the same basic problem: the bonuses aren't has to look at the tiny little flags (or animals) to figure out where the bonuses start and end. Good from a stylistic point of view. Not good if you're in a speed game.
I like maps with easy-to-understand font and borders, and with as little reading as possible. Some maps went through the process with a big emphasis on making it look good, sometimes with overcomplicated rules and a legal-document legend which does technically explain all the conditions, but doesn't make for an enjoyable triples game with my 103 year-old grandfather and my 14 year-old illiterate nephew.
Don't like it? Don't play it. Well, yes, that's sort of true. But it doesn't fix the problem.
Super-complex maps scare many people off. We've no way of filtering those maps out at the moment.
Krazy Kingdoms, just as an example, looks funky, but scares the shit out of me. Okay, I'll concede one thing...maybe that sensation can be attributed to the dodgy chicken curry takeaway I had last night...brb...
Whew, alright. Where was I?
Well, sometimes I do this thing where I clear my desk. Especially if the police are in the area. Basically I shove everything off of my desk and into a big sack, and put my feet up on the desk for a while, confident of a job well done with probably no elusive tax forms. Then I put the bag somewhere out of the way where the dogs won't sniff it out, and continue with my nice, clear desk as usual. If I need a particular document that I'm sure I saw on my desk 3 months ago...well, then I just have to dig through the mystery sack for it, and voila. Foie gras. The missing duck liver is found.
But here's the point...90% of the dubious contents of that sack I don't even need. I know it's there just in case I do need a sweaty old copy of FHM Men's Magazine or even Accordion Enthusiast Monthly, but most of it you can forget about. That's my suggestion for the map browser on this site. Have a list of maps...maybe even as few as 20...which are nice to play on. Perhaps rotate the selection every week or something. Put all the other maps in a big sack where people can find them if they want to, using the 'Big Sack Game Finder', for those hardcore nuts.
Re: Why are we not quenching?

Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:04 am
by owenshooter
here is a good post from another forum:
Subject: AfghanistanOneyed wrote:thanks for support, guys.
I did not continue in work on this, because Foundry is almost dead. the map needs more work, more time, more energy but for what? that is will "lies" in Fondry without any input for months?
and the map?
Oneyed wrote:time ago I made draft about USSR invasion to Afghanistan. maybe I can continue...
- Click image to enlarge.

another foundry member, done with the foundry...-Jn