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Adding Tags

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:11 pm
by skeeta
OK, I'm starting to get to grips with how xml works now and yeah, it does make sense. I was wondering though, who writes the code that we slot the xml into and are they able to add different tags if they feel it would help the game?

More specifically I can see a case for including killers that aren't neutral. IE
Instead of...
<neutral killer="yes">10</neutral>

you could use...

I think that should keep the territory in the hands of the holding player but reduce his troop count to 1. If that tag wouldn't do that it doesn't matter, it's the effect of a tag like that I think would be useful.

Re: Adding Tags

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:44 pm
by TaCktiX
The XML for CC maps is fixed as is. Lack's game engine takes the XML fed by the map and translates it into something that the engine can use. Typically the mapmaker or someone the mapmaker asks writes the XML. That, and XML tags are universally <start>have to have same name to end</start>.

As for the suggestion of a large decay, you can already implement this by having a very large number for the territory's autodeploy/decay tag. No matter how high the decay, it will only reduce a territory's army count to 1, and have the occupier still in possession of the territory.

Re: Adding Tags

PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:35 am
by skeeta
Oh cool. I didn't realise that. So if I have them decay by 10,000 that basically drop them to a singleton? :)
So what about if I want to decay to nothing? IE, have a red occupied territory reduce by X amount of reds each time until it no longer contains X reds at which point it goes neutral. Possible?

Re: Adding Tags

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:45 am
by TaCktiX
Been suggested for XML addition before, but hasn't been implemented yet.