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Random neuts on random terts (XML)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:47 pm
by FattyMcFat
I've read, in great detail, the XML tutorial for codifying a map; however, for my particular idea I "need" a way to select X number of territories at random and deploy an insurmountable number of neutrals onto the selected territories.


(And this would be most ideal...)
Codifying a way to select X number of terts at random and destroy them outright (impassable, uncontrollable, etc.*).

*i'm aware that doing this would create another issue regarding "continent" bonuses however I will tackle that hurdle when I get to it... even though fat kids should be avoiding hurdles altogether

I'm interested in learning how powerful the CC engine that reads the XML is and the extent to which it can be manipulated..
ie: how much of the XML language can be utilized...

Anyway, some insightful feedback would be appreciated


Re: Random neuts on random terts (XML)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:47 am
by natty dread
a way to select X number of territories at random and deploy an insurmountable number of neutrals onto the selected territories.

Not possible :/

Codifying a way to select X number of terts at random and destroy them outright

Nope :/

how much of the XML language can be utilized...

WYSIWYG. There's no extra "hidden" features. What you see in the XML tutorials is what you get.

You can have continent bonuses (assigned on continents), autodeploy bonuses (assigned on individual territories), or inverses of these (the same but with negative values.)

The continent bonuses can have "required" tags so you can make a bonuses like "hold any x of these y territories for bonus z". You can also override earlier bonuses "holding territories x gives bonus y, but holding territories x+z gives bonus w and overrides bonus y."

You can have many separate objectives, you can specify a continent or a territory as an objective (victory condition.)

You can also specify starting positions and starting neutrals. There can be as many starting positions as you like, each can contain one or several territories.

Hope this helps.

Re: Random neuts on random terts (XML)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:53 am
by MrBenn
While there are many creative ways of utilising the available gameplay features, it sounds like the things you're thinking of are beyond the realm of the (currently) possible. If you have a really good suggestion to advance gameplay features, why not head over to the Suggs & Bugs forum and set out your ideas in more detail.

If it's something more specifically XML-oriented, then feel free to make a suggestion in the XML idea/suggestions thread in this Foundry Discussions forum.

Re: Random neuts on random terts (XML)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:22 pm
by trapyoung
I've spoken with Fatty about our idea for a map and we've come up with an idea for dealing with this situation but need to know whether the neutral numbers could be tweaked.

In Classic, depending on the number of participants, x amount of territories will be occupied with random 3 armies. We have discussed map sizes such that all sizes of games (2-8 players) will result in 1-3 random territories that will not be occupied by players. Is there a way to code it so the deployment of armies on a random territory is above 3 without making it like AoR1 where it is always Rhit that has six. We'd like the random territory to move around but have a high number of neutral armies on it.

Re: Random neuts on random terts (XML)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:10 pm
by natty dread
Not possible.