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Foundry Stamps

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Foundry Stamps

Postby Scania N113 on Sat May 15, 2010 2:11 am

Dear all,

Just now I was browsing through the Map Foundry forum, and I would like to make the following suggestions

Firstly, the description of the stamps posted inside "How to make map handbook" is not updated. For example, the Map Foundry was being rebuilt a few months ago, but inside the handbook it is said that mapmakers have to get the "draft" stamp in order to get to the Main Foundry forum from the Draft forum. It is very obvious that these two forums are gone, so when and how can mapmakers get this stamp? I suggest that someone from the Team can change the description there.

Secondly, some stamps are not listed there. For instance, the "Quenched" stamp. Also, I found out that even for the same stamp, there are different versions, so why do we not make it uniform so that one stamp only appears in one way?

Hopefully, the above suggestions are able to make Conquer Club be more user-friendly. I sincerely hope that all of you can consider them. Thank you.

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Re: Foundry Stamps

Postby fumandomuerte on Mon May 17, 2010 2:40 pm

This should be moved to the map foundry discussions.
Thanks to the CC staff for the perma-ban on ۩░▒▓₪№™℮₪▓▒░۩!
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Re: Foundry Stamps

Postby JoshyBoy on Tue May 18, 2010 8:32 pm

fumandomuerte wrote:This should be moved to the map foundry discussions.

Quite right. This topic has been moved. Any questions, just PM me.

Cheers, JB ;)
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Ron Burgundy wrote:Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?
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Re: Foundry Stamps

Postby thenobodies80 on Wed May 19, 2010 3:19 am

Don't worry....there may be news about it very soon ;)
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