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Is this possible?: Jackpot bonuses

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:35 pm
by The Bison King
Ok I had a cool Idea but I doubt it's possible with the current XML. Is it possible to have a single territory with a bonus of, well say, +5. However, if player 2 takes the bonus away from player 1 before his next turn (chance to reap the benefits) the bonus is raised to +10. Then if player 3 takes it before player 2 can hold it, it goes up to +15 and so on and so on...

Is there a chance in hell that this is possible?

Re: Is this possible?: Jackpot bonuses

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:17 pm
by Evil DIMwit
Not in the least! There is an XML suggestions thread and that's probably your best shot of possibly seeing this happen, one day, maybe.